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Fetch public todos

In this section, we are going to need to fire queries without using the JSX components. This means, we need access to the Apollo Client instance. Wrap the required component in an ApolloConsumer so that you can access the client. Go to src/todo/ and wrap TodoPublicList component with ApolloConsumer.

let make = () => {
<div className="todoWrapper">
<div className="sectionHeader">
{ReasonReact.string("Public feed (realtime)")}
<TodoInput isPublic=true/>
+ <ReasonApollo.Consumer>
+ ...{
+ client => {
+ <TodoPublicList client={client}/>
+ }
+ }
+ </ReasonApollo.Consumer>
- <TodoPublicList/>

Also change the TodoPublicList component to accept this client instance. In src/todo/, just add client as a prop.

-let make = () => {
+let make = (~client) => {

Now we can access the client instance from the props of TodoPublicList.

For the public todos, we will not use the JSX component by apollo. We will make the query using the client instance and store the tasks in the React state. So let us define the type of the state and the GraphQL response. We also need an external binding toApolloResult that parses the GraphQL response according to these types. Go to src/todo/ and add the following code at the top:

+type user = {
+ .
+ "name": string
+type todoType = {
+ .
+ "id": int,
+ "created_at": string,
+ "title": string,
+ "user": user
+type state = {
+ .
+ "todos": array(todoType),
+ "loading": bool,
+type todosGqlResp = {
+ .
+ "data": state
+type response = {. "data": state};
+external toApolloResult : 'a => response = "%identity";

Now, let us define the action type of the React reducer:

+type action = SetTodos(array(todoType));
let make = (~client) => {

Initialize the state with the useReducer hook.

let make = (~client) => {
+ let (state, dispatch) = React.useReducer((_, action) => {
+ let SetTodos(todos) = action;
+ { "todos": todos, "loading": false }
+ }, { "todos": [||], "loading": true });

This will initialize the state with todos being an empty array while loading being true because the component must be in loading state before the todos have been loaded.

Let us now load all the todos in before the first render using the useEffect hook.

We will start with fetching the newest 10 public tasks. Lets define the query first. Open src/ and add the following code at the bottom:

// graphql query to fetch public todos
module getpublictodos = [%graphql
query getpublictodos {
todos(where: { is_public: { _eq: true } }, order_by: { id: desc }, limit: 10) {
user {

Now, write a function in TodoPublicList that fetches data using the above query and stores it in the local state.

let fetchPublicTodos = () => {
let fetchPublicTodosQuery = GraphQLQueries.GetPublicTodos.make(());
let query = {
"query": ApolloClient.gql(. fetchPublicTodosQuery##query),
"variables": fetchPublicTodosQuery##variables
let apolloData = client##query(query);
|> Js.Promise.then_(gqlResp => {
let resp = toApolloResult(gqlResp);
|> ignore

We will call this function in the useEffect hook to load the newest 10 public tasks.

() => {

We also have to handle the loading state. We can do that by adding an if condition.

if (state##loading) {
} else {
//Rest of the JSX

Finally, make the UI render the todos from this state instead of sampleTodos.

-let todoList = => {
<FeedItem todo={t} key={t##title} />
}, sampleTodos);
+let todoList = => {
<FeedItem todo={t} key={t##title} />
}, state##todos);

Once this is done, the UI should render the newest public todos.

Also, we will add basic pagination by implementing the Load older todos button.

Define the query to load older tasks in src/

// GraphQL query to public todos older than a particular id
module GetOlderTodos = [%graphql
query ($lastId: Int) {
todos (
order_by: {
created_at: desc
where: { id: { _lt: $lastId} },
limit: 10
) {
user {

This query takes the lastId as an argument and fetches 10 todos who have id less than the provided lastId.

Lets go back to src/todo/ and write a function that looks at the lastId from the local state and uses the above query to append the older todos to the array of existing todos.

let fetchOlderTodos = () => {
let existingTodoLength = Array.length(state##todos);
let lastTodoId = if (existingTodoLength == 0) { 10000000 } else { state##todos[existingTodoLength-1]##id };
let fetchOlderTodosQuery = GraphQLQueries.GetOlderTodos.make(~lastId=lastTodoId, ());
let query = {
"query": ApolloClient.gql(. fetchOlderTodosQuery##query),
"variables": fetchOlderTodosQuery##variables
let apolloData = c##query(query);
|> Js.Promise.then_(gqlResp => {
let resp = toApolloResult(gqlResp);
let newTodos = Array.append(state##todos, resp##data##todos);
|> ignore

And add this function in the onClick handler of the oldTodosButton

let oldTodosButton = {
- <div className={"loadMoreSection"}>
+ <div className={"loadMoreSection"} onClick={_ => fetchOlderTodos()}>
{ReasonReact.string("Load older tasks")}

With this, you will have a public todo list with basic pagination implemented.

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