Sync new todos
In the previous section, we detected if there are new todos in the database and showed a banner saying New todos have arrived
. Now, we need to write an onClick handler of that banner that would fetch the todos newer than the latest visible todo and append it to the todos array in the state.
Lets first define a GraphQL query that takes this latestVisibleId
as an argument and fetches all the tasks that have id
greater than this latestVisibleId
. Go to src/
and add the following code at the bottom:
module GetNewPublicTodos = [%graphql{|query getNewPublicTodos ($latestVisibleId: Int!) {todos(where: { is_public: { _eq: true}, id: {_gt: $latestVisibleId}}, order_by: { id: desc }) {idtitleuser {name}}}|}];
Lets now go back to src/todo/
and write a function that looks at the latestVisbleId
in the local state and makes the above query to fetch the new todos and finally syncs them with the todos in local state.
Write this function in the make
function of src/todo/
let fetchNewerTodos = () => {let fetchNewerTodosQuery = GraphQLQueries.GetNewPublicTodos.make(~latestVisibleId=latestVisibleId, ());let query = {"query": ApolloClient.gql(. fetchNewerTodosQuery##query),"variables": fetchNewerTodosQuery##variables};let apolloData = c##query(query);apolloData|> Js.Promise.then_(gqlResp => {let resp = toApolloResult(gqlResp);let newTodos = Array.append(resp##data##todos, state##todos);dispatch(SetTodos(newTodos));Js.Promise.resolve();})|> ignore}
Now add this function in the onClick
handler of the newTodosBanner
let newTodosBanner = if(shouldShowNewTodosBanner) {- <div className={"loadMoreSection"}>+ <div className={"loadMoreSection"} onClick={_ => fetchNewerTodos()}>{ReasonReact.string("New tasks have arrived!")}</div>} else {{ReasonReact.null}};
With this, your fully functional todo app is ready.
- Build apps and APIs 10x faster
- Built-in authorization and caching
- 8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs