Setup Remix Root for Auth and CSRF
In root.tsx we setup our actions and loaders
import {json,Links,LiveReload,Meta,Outlet,Scripts,ScrollRestoration,LoaderFunction,useLoaderData,ActionFunction,redirect,Form,} from "remix";import {AuthenticityTokenInput,AuthenticityTokenProvider,createAuthenticityToken,useShouldHydrate,} from "remix-utils";import { commitSession } from "~/utils/sessions.server";import { getSessionData } from "./utils/auth.server";interface LoaderData {csrf?: string;isLoggedIn: boolean;}// Setup CSRF token only if they are heading to the login page.// Usually we would assign a CSRF token to everyone but// with Firebase Hosting caching is tied to the cookie.// If someone isn't logged in we want them to hit the public cache// const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {let { session } = await getSessionData(request);// Add CSRF token to sessioncreateAuthenticityToken(session);return redirect("/login", {headers: { "Set-Cookie": await commitSession(session) },});};export const loader: LoaderFunction = async ({ request }) => {const { csrf, idToken } = await getSessionData(request);return json<LoaderData>({ csrf, isLoggedIn: !!idToken });};
Our root App component is the standard Remix one except we conditionally load Javascript and add a navigation bar with login/logout. Throughout the app we make heavy use of the remix-utils npm library.
We use forms to POST to our action endpoints.
export default function App() {// Control if page loads JS shouldHydrate = useShouldHydrate();const fetcher = useFetcher();const { csrf, isLoggedIn } = useLoaderData<LoaderData>();return (<html lang="en"><head><meta charSet="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" /><meta name="robots" content="noindex" /><Meta /><Links /></head><bodystyle={{margin: 0,}}><AuthenticityTokenProvider token={csrf || ""}><navstyle={{display: "flex",justifyContent: "space-between",alignItems: "center",}}><a href="/">Home</a>{/* We use fetcher.Form instead of Form because we dont want navigation events */}{isLoggedIn ? (<fetcher.Form action="/logout" method="post" replace><AuthenticityTokenInput /><button type="submit">Logout</button></fetcher.Form>) : (<fetcher.Form action="/" method="post" replace><button type="submit">Login</button></fetcher.Form>)}</nav><Outlet /></AuthenticityTokenProvider><ScrollRestoration />{shouldHydrate && <Scripts />}{process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && <LiveReload />}</body></html>);}
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