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Create the Launch Details Page GraphQL queries
To start with we'll create ./app/graphql/launch.graphql
fragment LaunchDetails on Launch {idmission_namedetailslinks {flickr_imagesmission_patch}}fragment CargoWeightCapacity on Launch {rocket {rocket {payload_weights {idlb}}}}fragment CurrentCargoWeight on cargo_aggregate {aggregate {sum {weight}}}# Launch details when not logged inquery AnonymousLaunchDetails($id: ID!) {launch(id: $id) {...LaunchDetails}}# When logged in get both launch and cargo detailsquery UserLaunchDetails($id: ID!, $launchId: String!) {launch(id: $id) {...LaunchDetails...CargoWeightCapacity}# Notice we don't have to pass in userId, the permissions take care of itcargo(where: { launchId: { _eq: $launchId } }) {idweightname}cargo_aggregate(where: { launchId: { _eq: $launchId } }) {...CurrentCargoWeight}}# When we are about to add new cargo, we get info on the current cargoquery CurrentCargoInfo($id: ID!, $launchId: String!) {launch(id: $id) {...CargoWeightCapacity}cargo_aggregate(where: { launchId: { _eq: $launchId } }) {...CurrentCargoWeight}}mutation AddCargo($cargo: cargo_insert_input!) {insert_cargo_one(object: $cargo) {id}}
Run npm run codegen
We use Graphql fragments and have different queries based on login status. We also have a single mutation to add cargo.
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