Create Subscription and Render Result
Add subscription query
So let's define the graphql subscription to be used.
Open src/components/OnlineUsers.vue
and add the following code, below the other import.
<script>+ import gql from 'graphql-tag'+ const SUBSCRIPTION_ONLINE_USERS = gql`+ subscription getOnlineUsers {+ online_users(order_by: {user: {name: asc }}) {+ id+ user {+ name+ }+ }+ }+ `;
We are defining the graphql subscription query to fetch the online user data. Now let's define a smart subscription.
<script setup lang="ts">import { useMutation, useResult, useSubscription } from "@vue/apollo-composable"const onlineUsersSubscription = useSubscription(SUBSCRIPTION_ONLINE_USERS)- const onlineUsers = [{ user: { name: "someUser1" } }, { user: { name: "someUser2" } }]+ const onlineUsers = useResult(onlineUsersSubscription.result, [], (data) => data.online_users)const UPDATE_LASTSEEN_MUTATION = gql`mutation updateLastSeen($now: timestamptz!) {update_users(where: {}, _set: { last_seen: $now }) {affected_rows}}`const updateLastSeenMutation = useMutation(UPDATE_LASTSEEN_MUTATION, {variables: () => ({now: new Date().toISOString(),}),})setInterval(async () => {try {updateLastSeenMutation.mutate()} catch (e) {console.log(e)}}, 30000)</script>
How does this work?
We are using the useSubscription()
method to define the subscription query, which functions similar to queries. The online_users
prop gives the result of the real-time data for the query we have made.
Refresh your vue app and see yourself online! Don't be surprised ;) There could be other users online as well.
Awesome! You have completed basic implementations of a GraphQL Query, Mutation and Subscription. Easy isn't it?
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- Built-in authorization and caching
- 8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs