Course Introduction
GraphQL is becoming the new way to use APIs in modern web and mobile apps.
However, learning new things always takes time and without getting your hands dirty it’s very hard to understand the nuances of new technology.
So, we put together a powerful and concise course that will introduce you to GraphQL and integrating GraphQL into your frontend stack, in the shortest amount of time possible.
We will explore the fundamentals of GraphQL and the things that make GraphQL especially suitable for modern applications, like its real-time capabilities! The course is light on opinions so that once you grok the fundamentals you can go on to choose your favorite libraries, tools and tailor your workflow.
Key topics and takeaways:
- GraphQL vs REST
- GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions
- Setting up a GraphQL client with Apollo
- Integrating GraphQL queries in your Vue app
- Integrating GraphQL mutations with query variables to handle form input
- Updating local state after a GraphQL mutation (form input) using Apollo cache
- Optimistic updates to local state and UI after GraphQL mutations for a slick UX
- Using subscriptions with subscription components
- Building a real-time feed with notifications using mutations and subscriptions
What will we be building?
We will be building a real-time todo app using authenticated GraphQL APIs.
Try this deployed version of the app to see what we'll be building:
Will this course teach Vue concepts as well?
No, we will be simulating a scenario where we already have a GraphQL API and the basic UI of a Vue app built. Our task in this scenario is to integrate the GraphQL APIs into our Vue app to build a complete and working app.
If you're new to Vue, we recommend going through this official tutorial and then coming back here!
What do I need to take this tutorial?
You need to have npm/yarn & node 8+ running.
How long will this tutorial take?
Less than 2 hours
Other courses
Frontend: GraphQL for: React, React Native, iOS
Backend: Building a real-time GraphQL backend with Hasura in 30 mins (ideal for frontend, backend or fullstack developers)
Build apps and APIs 10x faster
Built-in authorization and caching
8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs