Accelerate GraphQL federation with rapid subgraph development
Subgraph development is often the rate-limiting factor in building a federated GraphQL API. Join this session to learn how Hasura accelerates subgraph development to unlock GraphQL federation and ROI.

What you will learn
GraphQL federation is becoming an established pattern to build a common data access layer/API over multiple data sources. It generates a “supergraph” by composing over multiple GraphQL servers (or “subgraphs”).
With GraphQL federation, subgraphs are expressed as GraphQL servers, and thus onboarding new subgraphs relies on domain teams having GraphQL expertise – and even with expertise, subgraph development is time-consuming. Creating the ultimate supergraph and maximizing ROI is bottlenecked by the burden of building, maintaining, and evolving subgraphs.
This is a common complaint we hear from large enterprises on the GraphQL federation path and a big part of why they choose
Hasura – to accelerate subgraph development.
With Hasura, simply spin up subgraphs on any data source in minutes and plug them into your existing supergraph powered by GraphQL federation.
Join this webinar to learn how and see Hasura in action.
Who should attend this session?
- You use GraphQL federation tools like Apollo Router, GraphQL Mesh, etc. and want to accelerate the process of building subgraphs.
- You want to enable your data engineering or software development teams with limited GraphQL expertise to build subgraphs over data sources like Snowflake, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc.
- Supergraph overview – what, why, and how
- Commons pains with GraphQL federation
- Why building subgraphs slows down supergraph adoption/impact
- How Hasura speeds subgraph development
- Demo:
- - Instantly build two subgraphs using Hasura
- - Federating over subgraphs using GraphQL Federation tools
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What you will learn
GraphQL federation is becoming an established pattern to build a common data access layer/API over multiple data sources. It generates a “supergraph” by composing over multiple GraphQL servers (or “subgraphs”).
With GraphQL federation, subgraphs are expressed as GraphQL servers, and thus onboarding new subgraphs relies on domain teams having GraphQL expertise – and even with expertise, subgraph development is time-consuming. Creating the ultimate supergraph and maximizing ROI is bottlenecked by the burden of building, maintaining, and evolving subgraphs.
This is a common complaint we hear from large enterprises on the GraphQL federation path and a big part of why they choose
Hasura – to accelerate subgraph development.
With Hasura, simply spin up subgraphs on any data source in minutes and plug them into your existing supergraph powered by GraphQL federation.
Join this webinar to learn how and see Hasura in action.
Who should attend this session?
- You use GraphQL federation tools like Apollo Router, GraphQL Mesh, etc. and want to accelerate the process of building subgraphs.
- You want to enable your data engineering or software development teams with limited GraphQL expertise to build subgraphs over data sources like Snowflake, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc.
- Supergraph overview – what, why, and how
- Commons pains with GraphQL federation
- Why building subgraphs slows down supergraph adoption/impact
- How Hasura speeds subgraph development
- Demo:
- - Instantly build two subgraphs using Hasura
- - Federating over subgraphs using GraphQL Federation tools