How Hasura optimizes GraphQL API Performance

How Hasura optimizes GraphQL API Performance

Sep 23, 2021
9:00 am PT

Learn how Hasura optimizes your API’s performance and scales both vertically and horizontally.

Tanmai Gopal
Tanmai Gopal
Founder & CEO at Hasura
The Brief

What you will learn

Hasura’s GraphQL APIs are typically 2x-10x faster than hand rolled APIs (GraphQL or REST).

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how Hasura optimizes GraphQL API performance, how it scales and also walk you through how to easily set up benchmarks for your own workloads (including subscriptions).

The webinar will cover:

Query compilation

GraphQL queries are processed in a JIT compiler to create efficient queries that prevent N+1 problems

Authz predicate push-down

Authorization policies are compiled into data access queries, avoiding multiple trips, and resulting in a massive performance boost in production

JSON aggregations

Hasura avoids the cartesian product problem while fetching data from underlying systems by performing JSON aggregations in the upstream database itself


How Hasura caching works for public and private (session aware) GraphQL queries

Scale-up and scale-out

Get linear scalability, both vertically and horizontally, without any configuration


How to setup your GraphQL benchmarking suite to benchmark any GraphQL server

If you’re getting started with Hasura and GraphQL performance, the technical principles in this webinar will be a great starting point.

If you’re looking for an advanced performance optimization webinar,check out this webinar on GraphQL Observability to Diagnose & Improve Query Performance for your Hasura apps.

This webinar will be hosted by our founder and CEO Tanmai, so do bring any questions you may have!

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