Generated TypeScript Tooling with Hasura

Generated TypeScript Tooling with Hasura

Jul 28, 2021
9:00 am PT

Hasura gives you GraphQL without writing resolvers. This workshop gives you TypeScript without any boilerplate.

Gavin Ray
Gavin Ray
Developer Advocate at Hasura
Jesse Martin
Jesse Martin
Technical Product Marketing at Hasura
The Brief

What you will learn

Imagine owning a sports car but never making it into top gear. That’s a little like using the strongly typed GraphQL without a strongly typed front-end language. This workshop will give you the background you need to get the best of both worlds without the headache and second-guessing. Learn from an industry expert and take your development to full speed.

This will be a 3 hour workshop with plenty of time to code along and ask any questions.


Familiarity with React, Visual Studio Code, a Hasura Cloud account, ability to add a database to your cloud account (Heroku account etc)

In this workshop we'll work through:
  • The basics of relational data
  • Designing a set of basic data models for our exercise
  • Scaffolding a GraphQL API to interact with our data
  • Using tools to generate a type-safe SDK for the API
  • Building a small Next.js app using our generated SDK to communicate with our GQL service & database
  • Integrating the typed SDK with Apollo Client
  • JWT auth, and integrating it with Apollo Client
  • Deploying the frontend to Vercel
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