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RxDB setup
Add RxDB dependency
Open package.json and add the following line under the dependencies section
"rxdb": "^8.7.4","pouchdb-adapter-idb": "^7.1.1",
Now RUN npm ci & restart the server
Create RxDB schema
The next step is to create a schema for RxDB to understand. Create a file src/components/Schema.js
with the following contents
export const todoSchema = {'title': 'todo schema','description': 'todo schema','version': 0,'type': 'object','properties': {'id': {'type': 'string','primary': true},'text': {'type': 'string'},'isCompleted': {'type': 'boolean'},'createdAt': {'type': 'string','format': 'date-time','index': true,},'updatedAt': {'type': 'string','format': 'date-time'},'userId': {'type': 'string'},},'required': ['text', 'isCompleted', 'userId', 'createdAt'],additionalProperties: true};
The above code tells RxDB what all fields will be present in a todo item. You can learn more about RxDB schema from the documentation
Initialize RxDB
Create a file src/components/Database.js
with the following contents:
import RxDB from 'rxdb';import { todoSchema } from './Schema';import RxDBSchemaCheckModule from 'rxdb/plugins/schema-check';import RxDBErrorMessagesModule from 'rxdb/plugins/error-messages';import RxDBValidateModule from 'rxdb/plugins/validate';RxDB.plugin(RxDBSchemaCheckModule);RxDB.plugin(RxDBErrorMessagesModule);RxDB.plugin(RxDBValidateModule);RxDB.plugin(require('pouchdb-adapter-idb'));export const createDb = async () => {console.log('DatabaseService: creating database..');const db = await RxDB.create({name: 'tododb',adapter: 'idb',});console.log('DatabaseService: created database');window['db'] = db; // write to window for debuggingawait db.collection({name: 'todos',schema: todoSchema})return db;};
The above code initializes RxDB and the todos collection with the schema we created above.
RxDB has various adapters that it can use to store data. In this tutorial we use pouchdb-adapter-idb
which is PouchDB running on top of IndexDB. You can learn more about adapters over here
Once RxDB is initialized, you'll be able to play around with RxDB from the devtools console in your browser.
To use RxDB in the app first change src/components/AppWrapper.js
to include Database.js
import * as Database from './Database';import Loading from './Loading'; // We will use this to show a loader while RxDB initializes
Now initialize RxDB in componentDidMount
and modify the render
method in the same file:
// Mark the function as Asyncasync componentDidMount() {const db = await Database.createDb()this.setState({ db });//Leave the rest of the function unchanged}...render() {const location = this.props.location;const isCallbackPage = location && location.pathname.startsWith('/callback');if (!this.isLoggedIn() && !isCallbackPage) {return (<Login loginHandler={this.login} />);}// Add this if statementif(!this.state.db) {return <Loading />}// Pass db in props to the Appreturn (<Appauth={{ userId: this.userId }}logoutHandler={this.logout}db={this.state.db}/>);}
Now change src/components/App.js
to use the db
// Add the db parameter to propsconst App = ({auth, db, logoutHandler}) => {return (<div><Header logoutHandler={logoutHandler} /><div className="todo-list">{/* Pass on the db parameter to TodoListWrapper */}<TodoListWrapper auth={auth} db={db} /></div></div>);};
Similarly change src/components/Todo/TodoListWrapper.js
file to pass the db
prop down to the TodoInput
& TodoList
render() {return (<div className="todoWrapper"><div className="sectionHeader"> Todos </div>{/* Pass db to TodoInput & TodoList */}<TodoInput auth={this.props.auth} db={this.props.db} /><TodoList todos={this.state.todos} db={this.props.db} auth={this.props.auth} /></div>);}
Now that RxDb is setup, open the webconsole on the browser and try the following:
> window.db.todos.insert({id: "mytodo1",text: 'Todo 1',isCompleted: false,createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),userId: localStorage.getItem("userId")}).then((doc) => console.log(doc.toJSON()))
This should output something like this:
{id: "mytodo1",text: "Todo 1",isCompleted: false,createdAt: "2019-12-31T16:31:24.541Z",updatedAt: "2019-12-31T16:31:24.541Z",userId: "google-oauth2|117035715025033185506",_rev: "1-648021ff54ae3ed8cc2e27982e08b44c"}
We are now ready to integrate RxDB with the rest of the app.
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