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useMutation Hook, Update Cache
let's create a ReScript module for create todo mutation in src/components/Todo/TodoInput.res
with the following code
module AddTodoMutation = %graphql(`mutation($todo: String!, $isPublic: Boolean!) {insert_todos(objects: [{ title: $todo, is_public: $isPublic }]) {affected_rowsreturning {idtitlecreated_atis_completed}}}`)
@react.componentlet make = (~isPublic=false) => {let (todoInput, setTodoInput) = React.useState(_ => "")let (mutate, _result) = AddTodoMutation.use()let resetInput = () => {setTodoInput(_ => "")}<formclassName="formInput"onSubmit={e => {ReactEvent.Form.preventDefault(e)mutate({todo: todoInput, isPublic: isPublic})->Js.Promise.then_(res => {resetInput()Js.Promise.resolve(res)}, _)->ignore}}><inputclassName="input"value={todoInput}placeholder="What needs to be done?"onChange={e => setTodoInput(["value"])}/><i className="inputMarker fa fa-angle-right" /></form>}
Since AddTodoMutation
is a GraphQL mutation query, AddTodoMutation.use()
uses useMutation
React hook of Apollo. In the useMutation
React hook, the first argument of the result tuple is the mutate function; (addTodo) in this case. Read more about the mutate function here.
In the above component, mutate function is called with variables only. This will execute the mutation and change the data on server but it doesn't update Apollo cache. To update Apollo cache, we should also pass update option to mutate function in addition to variables as shown in the code below.
@react.componentlet make = (~isPublic=false) => {let (todoInput, setTodoInput) = React.useState(_ => "")let (mutate, _result) = AddTodoMutation.use()let resetInput = () => {setTodoInput(_ => "")}<formclassName="formInput"onSubmit={e => {ReactEvent.Form.preventDefault(e)mutate(~update=({readQuery, writeQuery}, {data}) => {if !isPublic {switch data {| Some({insert_todos}) =>switch insert_todos {| Some({returning}) =>let newTodo: TodosQuery.t_todos = {__typename: returning[0].__typename,id: returning[0].id,title: returning[0].title,created_at: returning[0].created_at,is_completed: returning[0].is_completed,}let existingTodosResponse = readQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ())switch existingTodosResponse {| Some(todosResult) =>switch todosResult {| Ok({todos}) => {let newTodos = Js.Array2.concat([newTodo], todos)let _ = writeQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ~data={todos: newTodos}, ())}| _ => ()}| None => ()}| None => ()}| None => ()}} else {()}}, {todo: todoInput, isPublic: isPublic})->Js.Promise.then_(res => {resetInput()Js.Promise.resolve(res)}, _)->ignore}}><inputclassName="input"value={todoInput}placeholder="What needs to be done?"onChange={e => setTodoInput(["value"])}/><i className="inputMarker fa fa-angle-right" /></form>}
ReScript enforces us to handle all possible cases with pattern matching. For example, data in the update method may or mayn't have insert_todos properties based on the query. So we have to handle both the cases with pattern matching as shown below
switch data {| Some({insert_todos}) => // logic to handle insert_todos| None => // logic to handle None}
Build apps and APIs 10x faster
Built-in authorization and caching
8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs