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Mutation and update cache
Let's create ToggleTodoMutation query module as shown below.
module ToggleTodoMutation = %graphql(`mutation toggleTodo($id: Int!, $isCompleted: Boolean!) {update_todos(where: { id: { _eq: $id } }_set: { is_completed: $isCompleted }) {affected_rows}}`)
Let's integrate ToggleTodoMutation query into TodoItem component.
@react.componentlet make = (~todo: TodosQuery.Inner.t_todos) => {let (toggleTodoMutate, _toggleTodoResult) = ToggleTodoMutation.use()let toggleTodo = _e => {toggleTodoMutate(~update=({readQuery, writeQuery}, {data}) => {},{id:,isCompleted: !todo.is_completed,},)->ignore}<li><div className="view"><div className="round"><inputchecked={todo.is_completed}type_="checkbox"id={Js.Int.toString(}onChange={toggleTodo}/><label htmlFor={Js.Int.toString(} /></div></div><div className={"labelContent" ++ (todo.is_completed ? " completed" : "")}><div> {todo.title->React.string} </div></div><button className="closeBtn" onClick={removeTodo}> {"x"->React.string} </button></li>}
The above code will just make a mutation, updating the todo's is_completed property in the database.
To update the cache, we will be using the update
function again to modify the cache. We need to fetch the current list of todos from the cache before modifying it.
Now let's add the code for update
let toggleTodo = _e => {toggleTodoMutate(~update=({readQuery, writeQuery}, {data}) => {let existingTodos = readQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ())switch existingTodos {| Some(todosResult) =>switch todosResult {| Ok({todos}) => {let newTodos =, t => {if == {{...t, is_completed: !t.is_completed}} else {t}})let _ = writeQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ~data={todos: newTodos}, ())}| _ => ()}| None => ()}},{id:,isCompleted: !todo.is_completed,},)->ignore}
We are fetching the existing todos from the cache using cache.readQuery
and updating the is_completed value for the todo that has been updated.
Finally we are writing the updated todo list to the cache using cache.writeQuery
This updates the cache, but it does only after receiving response from GraphQL server. This might add noticable delay for UI updates. To avoid this problem we can use optimisticResponse
feature of Apollo to update cache immediately after sending GraphQL request, so that the user can see UI update immediately.
When we pass optimisticResponse
argument to mutate function update function is executed twice. It is excuted first time immediately after GraphQL request is sent which optimistic response object as data. It is executed second time after GraphQL response is received.
let toggleTodo = _e => {toggleTodoMutate(+ ~optimisticResponse=_variables => {+ update_todos: Some(+ (+ {+ affected_rows: 1,+ __typename: "todos_mutation_response",+ }: ToggleTodoMutation.ToggleTodoMutation_inner.t_update_todos+ ),+ ),+ },~update=({readQuery, writeQuery}, {data: _data}) => {let existingTodos = readQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ())switch existingTodos {| Some(todosResult) =>switch todosResult {| Ok({todos}) => {let newTodos =, t => {if == {{...t, is_completed: !t.is_completed}} else {t}})let _ = writeQuery(~query=module(TodosQuery), ~data={todos: newTodos}, ())}| _ => ()}| None => ()}},{id:,isCompleted: !todo.is_completed,},)->ignore}
Build apps and APIs 10x faster
Built-in authorization and caching
8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs