Fetch public todos - subscription
Now let's define the subscription query to get notified about new public todos
Create a new file with name src/components/Todo/NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.res
and add the following query.
let make = %graphql(`subscription {todos(where: { is_public: { _eq: true } }limit: 1order_by: [{ created_at: desc }]) {idtitlecreated_atis_completeduser {name}}}`)
Creating a new file for this query will help us reference this query module in other modules easily.
What does the Subscription do?
The query fetches todos
with a simple condition; is_public
must be true. We also limit the number of todos to 1, since we would just like to get notified whenever a new todo comes in.
We sort the todos by its latest created_at time according to the schema. We specify which fields we need for the todos node.
Now let's create a React components that uses this subscription query.
Create a file with name src/components/Todo/TodoPublicListSubscription.res
and add the following code.
@react.componentlet make = () => {let newTodoSubscriptionResult = NotifyNewPublicTodosSubscription.use()switch newTodoSubscriptionResult {| {loading: true} => <div> {React.string("Loading...")} </div>| {data: Some({todos})} =><TodoPublicList latestTodo={Js.Array.length(todos) > 0 ? Some(todos[0]) : None} />| {error: Some(_error)} => <div> {React.string("Error!")} </div>| {data: None, error: None, loading: false} => React.null}}
This component subscribes to the new public todos and passes latestTodo
as prop to TodoPublicList
Now, we can render TodoPublicListSubscription
instead of TodoPublicList
in TodoPublicWrapper
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