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Mutation and update cache
Open src/components/Todo/TodoPrivateList.svelte
and add the bulk delete mutation.
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';+ import { mutation } from "svelte-apollo";+ const CLEAR_COMPLETED = gql`+ mutation clearCompleted {+ delete_todos(+ where: { is_completed: { _eq: true }, is_public: { _eq: false } }+ ) {+ affected_rows+ }+ }+ `;++ const clearCompletedTodos = mutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED);
update the clearCompleted
function as below
const clearCompletedTodos = mutation(CLEAR_COMPLETED);clearCompleted() {+ clearCompletedTodos({+ optimisticResponse: true,+ update: (cache, {data}) => {+ const existingTodos = cache.readQuery({ query: GET_MY_TODOS });+ const newTodos = existingTodos.todos.filter(t => (!t.is_completed));+ cache.writeQuery({query:GET_MY_TODOS, data: {todos: newTodos}});+ }+ });}
That's a wrap of the todo app.
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