We need one more dependency to setup subscriptions. Let's install it.
Apollo Subscriptions Setup
+ $ npm install subscriptions-transport-ws --save
Now we need to update our ApolloClient
instance to point to the subscription server.
Open src/apollo.js
and update the following imports:
Update the createApolloClient function to integrate WebSocketLink.
import { split, HttpLink, InMemoryCache, ApolloClient } from "@apollo/client/core";import { getMainDefinition } from "@apollo/client/utilities";import { WebSocketLink } from "@apollo/client/link/ws";export function createApolloClient(authToken) {const headers = {Authorization: `Bearer ${authToken}`,};const httpLink = new HttpLink({uri: "",headers,});+ const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({+ uri: "wss://",+ options: {+ reconnect: true,+ connectionParams: {+ headers,+ },+ },+ });++ const link = split(+ ({ query }) => {+ const definition = getMainDefinition(query);+ return (+ definition.kind === "OperationDefinition" &&+ definition.operation === "subscription"+ );+ },+ wsLink,+ httpLink+ );const cache = new InMemoryCache();const client = new ApolloClient({link,cache,});return client;}
split is used to choose WebSocketLink for subscription queries and HttpLink for queries and mutations.
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