

Improved logging

The v1.0.0-beta.3 release added several exciting enhancements to the GraphQL engine's logs. The following log types are now enabled by default: startup, http-log, webhook-log and websocket-log. The detailed documentation of these log types can be found here.

Here is an example of an http-log of a successful query:

http-log in case of success

Here is an example of an http-log with a permission error. The level has been changed from info to error.

http-log in case of error

Now we'll add query-log that was also introduced with the same release but is not enabled by default. We can set the following environment variable (in this example on Heroku):

Adding environment variable for query-log

Here is an example of a query-log:

Query log

More details on this change can be found in the changelog.

09 Aug, 2019
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