The Hasura Hacktoberfest Fiesta: Build a Supergraph and win $1000!
Hey there, open source enthusiasts and developers! October is here, and you know what that means: The open source community gears up for a month of collaboration and celebration.
For the 6th consecutive year, Hasura proudly participates in Digital Ocean's Hacktoberfest, a month-long event that encourages developers to make meaningful contributions to open source software.
About Hacktoberfest
In case you're new to the party, Hacktoberfest is a cool open source event, brought to you by Digital Ocean.
The deal is simple: Participants with four pull requests (PRs) accepted between October 1-31, 2023 will receive a unique digital reward from Hacktoberfest, and if you’re lucky, win $1000 with our Hasura supergraph Top-N challenge!
Contribute to Hasura
The supergraph Top-N challenge
For this year’s Hacktoberfest, we have prepared a special challenge for you:
Build and execute the fastest GraphQL gateway
Submit a link to your git repository as a GitHub issue
Any stack or approach, 1 month, 3 prizes
Top prize of $1000
Find more information and instructions on this GitHub repo. Reach out to us in the #contrib channel on Discord if you have any questions.
Valid / invalid contributions
To submit your supergraph, create a PR on the file and add your name, submission date and the link to your supergraph repository. If the team accepts the contribution as valid, your PR will be merged and we’ll add the hacktoberfest-accepted label.
Contributing to Hasura Docs
You can also contribute to the Hasura Docs. We are thrilled to share this list of issues that were carefully selected for you. Feel free to go through this set of issues and pick up the one that you’d like to help with.
Submit a PR for one or more of our issues listed above which are labeled as “hacktoberfest”
Your PR will be reviewed within two weeks
If it is valid, we will either merge it or label it as “hacktoberfest-accepted”
We’ll reply with a comment to your PR asking you to fill out an order form
A t-shirt and a sticker pack is sent to everyone who submits an accepted contribution
Before getting started with your docs PR, please read through the docs contributing wiki.
Invalid PRs
Typically, PRs that don't directly address and resolve an issue labeled as "hacktoberfest" are considered invalid, and we're not specifically seeking typo fixes this time around.
However, if you submit a PR that we find particularly valuable, we may still consider it for Hacktoberfest by adding the "hacktoberfest-accepted" label. Please note that this doesn't come with any guarantees.
For your contribution to qualify for Hacktoberfest, you must submit it on or before October 31
We will be reviewing contributions until November 10
Setting some ground rules to help maintain the quality of contributions and to ensure that Hacktoberfest remains a positive and rewarding experience for everyone involved.
Code of conduct
Open source thrives on the power of learning and giving back to our amazing community. We're committed to maintaining an inclusive environment where everyone can learn and grow together. We kindly ask you to take a moment to go through and uphold our Code of conduct. Any violations of these guidelines will be taken seriously and may result in disqualification from the challenge.
Quality, not quantity, is our measure
We prioritize quality contributions above all else. While quantity may serve as a tempting goal, our true measure of success lies in the impactful, well-crafted contributions our community brings to the open source table.
Stay in touch
In order to get the most out of your Hacktoberfest experience, all participants are encouraged to join our Discord #contrib channel is a great place to get help if you encounter any issues.
Interested in Hasura updates? Join us for our Community Call: Launch Day on October 26 as we share our newest features, updates, and demos. We’d love to see you there!
Ready to make your mark in the open source universe? Happy hacking!