All Connectors
PostgreSQL Native Data Connector
PostgreSQL Native Data Connector
PostgreSQL Native Data Connector
Connect Hasura DDN to a PostgreSQL database
September 16, 2023
Last Updated
March 7, 2025
GitHub Repo


The Hasura PostgreSQL Connector allows for connecting Hasura to a PostgreSQL database giving you an instant GraphQL API on top of your PostgreSQL data.

Data Connectors are the way to connect the Hasura Data Delivery Network (DDN) to external data sources. A data connector is an HTTP service that exposes a set of APIs that Hasura uses to communicate with the data source. Data connectors are built to conform to the NDC Specification using one of Hasura's available SDKs. The data connector is responsible for interpreting work to be done on behalf of the Hasura Engine, using the native query language of the data source.

The ndc-postgres data connector is open source and can be found in the ndc-postgres GitHub repository.

Visit the Hasura DDN PostgreSQL Documentation for more information about specific features that are available for the PostgreSQL Connector.


The connector is hosted by Hasura and can be used from the Hasura v3 Console.


The Hasura PostgreSQL connector can be deployed using the Hasura CLI by following either the Quick Start Guide or deploying the connector.


Please submit a Github issue if you encounter any problems!

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