GraphQL Contributor Days is back!
GraphQL Contributor Days is back by popular demand! We are thrilled to announce this quarterly event in partnership with This Dot Labs and welcome those interested in the GraphQL ecosystem to join.
The next session will be in San Francisco on Feb. 8th, 2019 from 12PM - 4:30PM.
The purpose of the event is for the GraphQL community to come together and discuss some key topics in the GraphQL ecosystem, and facilitate cross collaboration within the community.
As the GraphQL ecosystem grows, with new tooling emerging and newer companies adopting it, this event hopes to give practitioners and members of the GraphQL community an unbiased platform to discuss and learn from each other and push the community forward.
Our last event included topics such as:
- GraphQL, Microservices, and organising teams around GraphQL
- Standardizing GraphQL subscription protocol
- GraphQL in the client - state management on the client & encapsulation in large apps
We will be publishing a blogpost with all of the learnings from the last event here.
In next week’s event, some of the topics that we will be discussing are:
- GraphQL Tooling & Ecosystem
- Community collaboration, new initiatives & GraphQL Foundation
- GraphQL Gateway - architecture, evolution, and experiences
Tanmai, our CEO will be co-hosting this event along with Tracy Lee, the founder of This Dot Labs. Our guests for the next event include creators of Gatsby, Graphene, Apollo, AppSync as well co-creators of GraphQL. We will also be joined by engineers from companies using GraphQL in production such as:
- Coursera — Jon Wong, Staff Software Engineer
- Rohan Deshpande - Principal Engineer, AWS AppSync
- Syrus Akbary - Founder & CEO, Wasmer/Graphene
- Kyle Mathews - Founder/CEO, Gatsby
- Docker — Tyler Martinez, UI Engineer & Designer
- Paypal — Mark Stuart, Web Infrastructure
- Paypal — Shruti Kapoor, Software Engineer
- Twitter — Sasha Solomon, Software Engineer
- Netflix — Conor Hastings, Senior UI Engineer
- Moon Highway — Alex Banks, Software Engineer, Instructor
- Intuit, Inc. — Greg Kesler, Principal Software Engineer
- Moon Highway — Eve Porcello, Software Engineer, Instructor
- Facebook — Dan Schafer, Software Engineer
If you’re interested to attend, do sign up for an invitation here as this is a non-broadcasted and invite only event.
Tell us in the comments if you have questions for the attendees. And follow us on Twitter for all the action :).