graphql2chartjs: Realtime charts made easy with GraphQL and ChartJS
Use GraphQL as a data source to build realtime charts with ChartJS
Example realtime chart
We started using ChartJS with GraphQL so that we could leverage GraphQL's realtime subscriptions to build realtime charts. Soon enough we realised that we can automate this process of restructuring the GraphQL data to a form that ChartJS expects.
graphql2chartjs is an open source tool that reshapes your GraphQL data as per the ChartJS API. This makes building charts as easy as simply making a GraphQL query.
The idea behind this tool is to generate ChartJS compliant data object from your GraphQL response by simply adding a few aliases in your GraphQL query.
Usage with Hasura
Hasura gives you an instant realtime GraphQL API on an existing Postgres database. You can create views to capture analytics and aggregations on your database and instantly turn them into charts.
If you're using Postgres and Hasura, this is what using graphql2chartjs looks like:
graphql2chartjs usage
Watch this video below to see a demo/tutorial of using Hasura with an existing Postgres database, creating views and building charts.
Sample client code
When using React, Apollo and react-chartjs-2 on the client, your code for a realtime chart would look something like:
import {Subscription} from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import graphql2chartjs from 'graphql2chartjs';
import {Bar} from 'react-chartjs-2';
const Chart = () => (
subscription {
Articles: articleStats {
label: title
data: num_likes
{({data} => {
if (data) {
const g2c = new graphql2chartjs(data, 'bar');
return (<Bar data={} />);
return null;
Mapping GraphQL queries to ChartJS charts
Different types of charts need different structures in their datasets.
For example a bar chart dataset needs labels and data associated for each label; the ChartJS API refers to this as labeland data. Once you alias fields in your graphql query to label and data, and pass the response through graphql2chartjs, your dataset is ready to be used by bar chart in chartjs.
Bar / Line / Doughnut / Pie / Radar / Polar Area / Area
Charts of this type need 2 data inputs, label and data.
Initialise graphql2chartjs: const g2c = new graphql2chartjs()
Add data from your graphql response: g2c.add(, 'bar')
Set your chart data to the data properly of the graphql2chartjs instance:
(Optional) Incrementally add data to the existing g2c instance: g2c.add(, 'bar')
The add() function can also take a transformer function as the second argument. This transformation function can be used to add custom properties to your data points from the GraphQL response. graphql2chartjs maps your GraphQL response with this transformer function and adds the given properties to the existing data points before performing any restructuring. For example, if you wish to add different background colours for different data-sets, you would do something like:
Whenever you are using a transformer function, the property chartType is mandatory because graphql2chartjs must know how it should add the given properties in the ChartJS data.
Read more detailed examples and instructions in the readme.
Take it for a spin
Do try graphql2chartjs and let us know what you think :) Refer to the Hasura docs if you’re looking for things like setting up security/access control on your GraphQL API.
We hang on discord, on github and our website intercom. Feel free to ask us questions :)