Hasura 2.0 Video Series

Hasura 2.0 Video Series
Hasura 2.0 Video Series

Today we are beginning a new series of videos covering Hasura 2.0, the new features, some updated features, and long standing features that were often overlooked. Over the coming weeks, we'll be releasing a series of videos with two distinct focuses. Each feature will be highlighted in a 1 minute snapshot for quickly learning and sharing the new features, as well as a complementary longer-form version with more narrative and details about the individual features.

To begin our series, we've created a couple of quick snapshots and a long form take on creating a new project, setting up some tables and adding relations. This first video may be review for anyone familiar with the platform, but stay tuned for a fast-paced release cycle covering the more advanced features in the videos to come. Let us know what you think and do follow us on all the platforms to stay up to date with all the new releases!

Watch the Overview

Getting started with creating projects, tables, content, and relations in Hasura Cloud.

15 Mar, 2021


15 Mar, 2021
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