Next.js JWT Authentication with NextAuth and Integration with Hasura
If you are a Next.js developer and looking for an Authentication solution, look no further than next-auth, an open-source Authentication library for Next.js. It's built for serverless (can run anywhere too) and supports various services like Sign in with Google, Apple, Facebook, Github or a simple email/password combination among others. You can bring your own database for storing sessions in the db or simply use JWT as we are going to do in this tutorial.
Hasura supports Authentication in the form of JWT / webhooks. The recommendation is to typically use JWT over webhooks for most use cases. With JWT, you get latency free requests since the session information is stored on the client and not on the server. Read more on the Best Practices for using JWT on frontend clients.
Clone next-auth example
In this tutorial, we will look at implementing a custom JWT solution with next-auth, served by Next.js and integrate the same with Hasura and make authenticated GraphQL API calls.
Let's start with the official example app and configure it.
git clone
cd next-auth-example
npm i
npm i next-auth pg
Copy environment variables:
cp .env.local.example .env.local
We will come back and modify the values here later. Let's look at the directory structure. Inside the pages directory under the api routes, you have the logic written for auth in the file [...nextauth.js]. This will let this component handle all the requests coming in to /api/auth/*. Some example include, signin, signout, callback etc.
Deploy Hasura to get a GraphQL API
Click on the following button to deploy GraphQL engine on Hasura Cloud including Postgres add-on or using an existing Postgres database:
2. Open the Hasura console by clicking on the button "Launch console".
3. Create table users.
Head to the Data tab and create a new table called users with columns:
id (text)
name (text)
created_at (timestamp now()).
JWT Configuration
Hasura supports authentication via webhook and JWT. For this next-auth example, we will look at creating a custom JWT server to sign and verify tokens.
Generating Secret
We need to generate a secret that can be used to hash the tokens and configure them on Hasura. There are a couple of options available.
RS256 / RS512
If you are going to use HS256 algorithm, there is only a secret to be generated that will be used on both the Next.js server and inside Hasura config. On the other hand, if you are going to use RS256, we need to generate a public/private key pair and the private key will be used to sign the token, and the public key will be used to verify the token on the Hasura's end.
JWT with HS256
Head to to generate a random secret that can be used on both the Next.js server and Hasura config. I'm taking a value 69f8fd4d54342b7ee3b0fcdf6def434c for the secret.
Let's configure this on the .env.local file that we copied earlier and substitute this value for the SECRET env.
On the Hasura Cloud projects page, head to the ENV vars page to configure this secret. Note that you need to add an admin secret using HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET before configuring the HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET.
Configure this secret into your .env.local file under the SECRET env. This will be used by the next-auth config to sign the token.
Sign In with GitHub
next-auth supports various data providers to integrate with Sign In services, OAuth providers and email/password combinations. We will use the GitHub provider in this example. Follow the docs for enabling that.
Head to the [...nextauth.js] file and remove the other providers. The configuration for providers will look like this:
Inside the jwt object, we need to enable the secret that would come from process.env.SECRET and expand on the logic for encode and decode methods.
We will need the jsonwebtoken module for signing the token with the secret.
So let's do that by npm install jsonwebtoken. Here's the Hasura Docs on Custom Claims. All the custom claims for Hasura stays in The values we care are x-hasura-role and x-hasura-user-id because these session variables will be used in this example's permission system.
If you want to pass data such as an Access Token or User ID to the browser when using JSON Web Tokens, you can persist the data in the token when the jwt callback is called, then pass the data through to the browser in the session callback.
We need to handle the callbacks from our Sign In service to be able to add user ID to the token. Inside the callbacks object, handle the logic for session:
async jwt(token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) {
const isUserSignedIn = user ? true : false;
// make a http call to our graphql api
// store this in postgres
if(isUserSignedIn) { =;
return Promise.resolve(token);
Note that we need to write the handler to make an http call to GraphQL API to insert the user and sync it with the users table in the database.
Head to server.js in the pages directory to see how the session prop is exported to use session information with Server Side Rendering.
This set up enables you to access the session information in _app.js where we use the NextAuth<Provider> HOC to render the components.
After logging in, check the token generated on the network tab. There is an API call made to /api/auth/session that would return the token. This token can now be used to make authenticated GraphQL API calls with Hasura via the Authorization header.