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SQL Server Connector
SQL Server Connector
SQL Server Connector
Connect to a SQL Server database and expose it to Hasura v3 Project
May 15, 2024
Last Updated
August 14, 2024
GitHub Repo

SQL Server Connector

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With this connector, Hasura allows you to instantly create a real-time GraphQL API on top of your data models in Microsoft SQL Server. This connector supports SQL Server's functionalities listed in the table below, allowing for efficient and scalable data operations. Additionally, users benefit from all the powerful features of Hasura’s Data Delivery Network (DDN) platform, including query pushdown capabilities that delegate query operations to the database, thereby enhancing query optimization and performance.

This connector is built using the Rust Data Connector SDK and implements the Data Connector Spec.


Below, you'll find a matrix of all supported features for the SQL Server connector:

Native Queries + Logical Models
Native Mutations
Simple Object Query
Filter / Search
Simple Aggregation
Table Relationships
Remote Relationships
Custom Fields
MutationsOnly native mutations are suppported
Naming Conventions
Default Values
User-defined Functions

Before you get Started

  1. Create a Hasura Cloud account
  2. Install the CLI
  3. Install the Hasura VS Code extension
  4. Create a supergraph
  5. Create a subgraph

Using the connector

To use the SQL Server connector, follow these steps in a Hasura project: (Note: for more information on the following steps, please refer to the Postgres connector documentation here)

1. Init the connector

(Note: here and following we are naming the subgraph "my_subgraph" and the connector "ms_sql")

ddn connector init ms_sql --subgraph my_subgraph/subgraph.yaml --hub-connector hasura/sqlserver --configure-port 8081 --add-to-compose-file compose.yaml

2. Add your SQLServer credentials

Add your credentials to my_subgraph/connector/ms_sql/.env.local


3. Introspect your Database

From the root of your project run:

ddn connector introspect --connector my_subgraph/connector/ms_sql/connector.local.yaml

If you look at the configuration.json for your connector, you'll see metadata describing your SQL Server mappings.

4. Restart the services

Let's restart the docker compose services. Run the folowing from the root of your project:

HASURA_DDN_PAT=$(ddn auth print-pat) docker compose up --build --watch

5. Create the Hasura metadata

In a new terminal tab from your project's root directory run:

ddn connector-link add ms_sql --subgraph my_subgraph/subgraph.yaml --configure-host --target-env-file my_subgraph/.env.my_subgraph.local

The above step will add the following env vars to the .env.my_subgraph.local file.


The generated file has two environment variables — one for reads and one for writes. Each key is prefixed by the subgraph name, an underscore, and the name of the connector.

6. Update the new DataConnectorLink object

Finally, now that our DataConnectorLink has the correct environment variables configured for the SQL Server connector, we can run the update command to have the CLI look at the configuration JSON and transform it to reflect our database's schema in hml format. From your project's root directory, run:

ddn connector-link update ms_sql --subgraph my_subgraph/subgraph.yaml --env-file my_subgraph/.env.my_subgraph.local

After this command runs, you can open your my_subgraph/metadata/ms_sql.hml file and see your metadata completely scaffolded out for you 🎉

The schema of the database can be viewed at http://localhost:8081/schema.

7. Import all your indices

You can do this with just one command. From your project's root directory, run:

ddn connector-link update ms_sql --subgraph my_subgraph/subgraph.yaml --env-file my_subgraph/.env.my_subgraph.local --add-all-resources

8. Create a supergraph build

Pass the local subcommand along with specifying the output directory as ./engine in the root of the project. This directory is used by the docker-compose file to serve the engine locally. From your project's root directory, run:

ddn supergraph build local --output-dir ./engine --subgraph-env-file my_subgraph:my_subgraph/.env.my_subgraph.local

You can now navigate to

and interact with your API using the Hasura Console.


View the full documentation for the ndc-sqlserver connector here.


We're happy to receive any contributions from the community. Please refer to our development guide.


The Hasura SQL Server connector is available under the Apache License 2.0.

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