Hasura Setup
Alright, we're about to begin our foray into authentication with Hasura.
First off, we need to do some set up.
Config Variables
Since we have deployed Hasura GraphQL Engine on Hasura Cloud, let's head to Hasura Cloud Dashboard to configure the JWT secret.
Open the Hasura Cloud dashboard and head to the "Env vars" page for your Hasura Cloud project:
Click on + New Env Var
to add a new environment variable.
Add a new Config Var called HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET
, and copy and paste the json below into the value box.
{"type": "HS256","key": "JWTSecretMustBeAtLeast32CharactersLong!"}
You should end up with something like the following:
Replace the key with any key you want but it must be at least 32 characters long.
You should end up with something like the following:
Permissions and Roles
Next up, go to your Hasura console. Refresh it if it was already open. You'd be asked to login to Hasura Cloud Dashboard.
Next up, go to the Data
tab and click the users
We shall add another column called
(String, nullable)
Go to Insert Row
and add another mock user
Next, go to the Permissions
tab and create a new role called user
Set Insert, Update, Select, and Delete permissions
The Update permissions can also be set by using this line of code
Go to permissions in battles
Set Insert, Update, Select, and Delete permissions
The Update permissions can also be set by using this line of code
Go to permissions in old_battles
Set Select and Delete permissions
Go to permissions in online_battles
Set Select permissions
And that's it. Those are the permissions set up for our Shooter Arena game. Next up, we set up our jwt service provider on glitch.
Build apps and APIs 10x faster
Built-in authorization and caching
8x more performant than hand-rolled APIs