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Data Modeling

We shall be creating two tables! One for Users and the other for Battles

Create Users Table

The users table will have the following columns:

  • id (Integer, unique, non-nullable, auto-increment, primary key)
  • username (Text, unique, non-nullable)

These columns are self-explanatory.

Ensure you set the column id as the primary key for the table.

User Table

The users table contains data concerning our players. For now, let's create two mock players.

This can be done in the Insert Row tab in the users table. You can give the two mock players whatever usernames you want, but I shall be using test1 and test2.

Insert First Player

Insert Second User

Create Battles Table

Next up, we shall create the battles table. It shall have the following columns:

  • id (Integer, unique, non-nullable, auto-increment, primary key)
  • shooter_id (Integer, nullable)
  • defender_id (Integer, nullable)
  • shooterReady (Boolean, non-nullable, default: false)
  • defenderReady (Boolean, non-nullable, default: false)
  • shooter_lastseen (Timestamp, nullable, default: now())
  • defender_lastseen (Timestamp, nullable, default: now())

Ensure you set the column id as the primary key for the table.

Battle Table

Let us go through these columns to understand why they're important for matchmaking purposes.

  • id: id for the battle created. Each battle is unique between two players.
  • shooter_id: id for the user that will be the Shooter.
  • defender_id: id for the user that will be the Defender.
  • shooterReady: after two players have been paired and a battle created, this flag is set to confirm the Shooter is still available for the battle.
  • defenderReady: after two players have been paired and a battle created, this flag is set to confirm the Defender is available for the battle.
  • shooter_lastseen: last time the shooter was seen in the battle. This is used to confirm if the Shooter disconnects from the game.
  • defender_lastseen: last time the defender was seen in the battle. This is used to confirm if the Defender disconnects from the game.

If you recall the flow chat in Matchmaking Overview, the necessity for the shooterReady and defenderReady flags is apparent.

Connect Battles with Users

To ensure that the shooter_id column points to an actual users row, we add a foreign key in battles

Shooter foreign key

To ensure that the defender_id column points to an actual users row, we add a foreign key in battles

Defender foreign key

Then head over to the Relationships tab and add the relationship between shooter_id, defender_id and users. These will be the suggested relationships based on foreign keys. Relationships

To make things easier and cleaner, we shall create two Views OnlineBattles and OldBattles.

Create Online Battles View

Click the SQL tab put this in.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "public"."online_battles" AS
FROM battles
WHERE (battles.defender_id IS NULL);

Ensure Track this is selected and click Run

Online Battles View

This View displays only Online Battles, meaning open battles that no opponent has joined.

We'll use this view to first check if there are existing open battles before creating an open battle. (in accordance with the flow chat in Matchmaking Overview)

Create Old Battles View

Click the SQL tab put this in.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "public"."old_battles" AS
FROM battles
WHERE ((battles.shooter_lastseen <= (now() - '00:00:50'::interval)) AND (battles.defender_id IS NULL));

Ensure Track this is selected and click Run

Old Battles View

This View displays only Old Battles, meaning battles that were open over 50 seconds ago and no one joined.

We'll use this view to automatically delete Old Battles to avoid players joining them.

And that's it for the Hasura side of things for now! Let's head over to Unity to integrate our Hasura backend.

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