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More Api Calls

We've set up the additional fields in our backend and Api reference.

Now we shall write a couple of functions to properly update our battle table with the information it needs.

Update CreateBattle with seed

First off, we need to make a change to our CreateBattle() function our GameData.cs script.

Since we've added a seed to our battles table, we need to set it to a random integer when we create a battle.

Let's open the GameData.cs file in Assets/_Game/Scripts/Data/GameData.cs

In the function public async Task<Battles> CreateBattle()


createBattle.SetArgs(new{objects = new{shooter_id = 1}});


int seeds = Random.Range(0, 100000);
createBattle.SetArgs(new{objects = new{shooter_id = 1, seed = seeds}});

The whole functions looks like

public async Task<Battles> CreateBattle(){
GraphApi.Query createBattle = shooterApi.GetQueryByName("CreateBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Mutation);
int seeds = Random.Range(0, 100000);
createBattle.SetArgs(new{objects = new{shooter_id = 1, seed = seeds}});
UnityWebRequest request = await shooterApi.Post(createBattle);
string result = request.downloadHandler.text;
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Battles>(RemoveData(result,

As you can see, a random integer is selected between 0 and 1000000 and the seed column of our battles row in our backend is set to that value.

This seed column is used by both the Shooter and Defender to randomly spawn targets at the start of the game. Since they'll both have the same seed, the same targets will be spawned for both of them.

Add new Api Call functions

Now we need a couple of functions to update our battles row when things happen in the game like the Shooter missing or hitting a target.

Remember the flow we described in Realtime Gameplay Overview

Copy and past the code below into your GameData.cs script and I'll explain each function briefly

public async void UpdateHitTargets(bool complete){
GraphApi.Query updateBattle = shooterApi.GetQueryByName("UpdateOnlineBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Mutation);
where = new{id = new{_eq =}},
_set = new{timeTaken = time, attackComplete = complete, hitTargets = ListToString(hitTargets)}
await shooterApi.Post(updateBattle);
public async void UpdateDefendedTargets(){
GraphApi.Query updateBattle = shooterApi.GetQueryByName("UpdateOnlineBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Mutation);
{where = new{id = new{_eq =}}, _set = new{defendedTargets = ListToString(defendedTargets)}});
await shooterApi.Post(updateBattle);
public async Task<string> UpdateDefendedTargets(bool complete){
GraphApi.Query updateBattle = shooterApi.GetQueryByName("UpdateOnlineBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Mutation);
where = new{id = new{_eq =}},
_set = new{gameComplete = complete, defendedTargets = ListToString(defendedTargets)}
UnityWebRequest request = await shooterApi.Post(updateBattle);
return request.downloadHandler.text;
public async void UpdateMiss(){
GraphApi.Query updateBattle = shooterApi.GetQueryByName("UpdateOnlineBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Mutation);
if (user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER){
where = new{id = new{_eq =}}, _set = new{shooter_lastseen = "now()"},
_inc = new{shooterMisses = 1}
where = new{id = new{_eq =}}, _set = new{defender_lastseen = "now()"},
_inc = new{defenderMisses = 1}
await shooterApi.Post(updateBattle);
private async void ProcessBattle(){
if (battle.gameComplete){
if (gameComplete)
gameComplete = true;
shouldCount = false;
Debug.Log("Game complete");
shooterApi.CancelSubscription(battleCws, "battle");
if ((battle.hitTargets.Count == battle.defendedTargets.Count && user.role == User.Role.DEFENDER) ||
(battle.hitTargets.Count > battle.defendedTargets.Count && user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER)){
await DeleteBattles();
OnGameComplete complete = new OnGameComplete();
if (battle.attackComplete){
if (attackComplete)
attackComplete = true;
time = battle.timeTaken + 5;
Debug.Log("Starting Fight");
OnDefenderTurn defenderTurn = new OnDefenderTurn();
void ProcessShots(){
Color color;
if (user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER){
color =;
if (battle.defenderMisses > misses){
for (int i = 0; i < battle.defenderMisses - misses; i++){
Game.Bullet bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, opponentPosition, Quaternion.identity)
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.disappointments, 0.2f);
misses = battle.defenderMisses;
if (battle.defendedTargets == null)
if (battle.defendedTargets.Count > defendedTargets.Count){
int lastIndex = battle.defendedTargets.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < battle.defendedTargets.Count - defendedTargets.Count; i++){
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.activation, 0.2f);
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.claps, 0.2f);
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.activation, 0.1f);
int index = battle.defendedTargets[lastIndex - i];
Debug.Log("Shoot the targets");
Game.Bullet bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, opponentPosition, Quaternion.identity)
Target target = gameManager.targetSpawner.targets.Find((target1 => target1.index == index));
bullet.Move(target.transform.position, color);
defendedTargets = new List<int>(battle.defendedTargets);
color =;
if (battle.shooterMisses > misses){
for (int i = 0; i < battle.shooterMisses - misses; i++){
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.disappointments, 0.2f);
Game.Bullet bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, opponentPosition, Quaternion.identity)
misses = battle.shooterMisses;
if (battle.hitTargets == null)
if (battle.hitTargets.Count > hitTargets.Count){
int lastIndex = battle.hitTargets.Count - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < battle.hitTargets.Count - hitTargets.Count; i++){
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.activation, 0.2f);
PlayDelayedSound(sounds.claps, 0.2f);
int index = battle.hitTargets[lastIndex - i];
Debug.Log("Shoot the targets");
Game.Bullet bullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, opponentPosition, Quaternion.identity)
Target target = gameManager.targetSpawner.targets.Find((target1 => target1.index == index));
bullet.Move(target.transform.position, color);
hitTargets = new List<int>(battle.hitTargets);

I know that seems like a lot of code but a lot of it is just to do game stuff.

Let's break them down.

void UpdateHitTargets

This function updates the hitTargets column of our battle in the backend. It takes in a bool complete to signify if the Shooter's turn is complete.

If bool complete is true, it also sets the attackComplete column of our battle to true. Else, it sets it as fault.

We shall call this function every time the Shooter hits a target.


This function updates the defendedTargets column of our battle in the backend. It takes in a bool complete to signify if the Defender's turn is complete hereby signifying the end of the game.

If bool complete is true, it also sets the gameComplete column of our battle to true.

We shall call this function every time the Defender deactivates a target.

void UpdateMiss

This function is used to increase the value in column shooterMisses or defenderMisses when either the Shooter or Defender misses a target.

void ProcessBattle

This function does a couple of things depending on the data we get from our subscription. It shall be called every time we get data from our subscription.

If you recall, every time a change is made to our battle, data is sent to our subscription containing the new values of the battle.

This data is automatically deserialized into our battle object in the function ReceiveBattleData().

The ProcessBattle() function checks the state of our battle object and does a couple of things.

  • if battle.attackComplete is true, it means the Shooter's turn is over and it fires the OnDefenderTurn() event which triggers the Defender's turn. It also sets the Defender's time to battle.timeTaken + 5.
  • if battle.gameComplete is true, it means the Defender's turn is over and the game is over. It deletes the battle, unsubscribes from the subscription and fires the OnGameComplete() event which triggers the game over screen.
  • it calls the ProcessShots() function which shall be explained below.

void ProcessShots

This is the function that simulates the opponent's turn. Depending on the value of shooterMisses, defenderMisses, hitTargets and defendedTargets, it simulates shots fired by the opponent when it's their turn.

Add ProcessBattle to ReceiveBattleData

Go to the ReceiveBattleData() function and add ProcessBattle() at the start.

It looks like this afterwards

private void ReceiveBattleData(OnSubscriptionDataReceived subscriptionDataReceived){
battle = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Battles>(RemoveSubscriptionData(,
shooterApi.GetQueryByName("SubscribeToBattle", GraphApi.Query.Type.Subscription).queryString));
if (battle == null){
shooterApi.CancelSubscription(battleCws, "battle");
if (!battle.shooterReady && battle.defenderReady){
string opponentName =
user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER ? battle.defender.username : battle.shooter.username;
menuManager.SetWaitingText($"Found an opponent. {opponentName}");
waitingTime = 10;
if (user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER)
if (battle.shooterReady && battle.defenderReady && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 0){
string opponentName =
user.role == User.Role.SHOOTER ? battle.defender.username : battle.shooter.username;
menuManager.SetWaitingText($"Entering battle against. {opponentName}");
if (!inBattle){
inBattle = true;

And there we go! We've created functions that'll help us update our battle as the player plays.

We've also created a function to properly update the game depending on what data we get from our subscription.

We just need to call these functions at the right times and that's it!

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