Building a GraphQL server with Netflix DGS: An unfiltered review
Netflix DGS is a framework for building GraphQL servers with Java or Kotlin. In this article, we set out to build a GraphQL server with the Netflix DGS library in Java and report back on the findings.
tl;dr After going through the motions, we conclude that standing up a GraphQL server using Netflix DGS involves a heavy lift – cobbling together numerous frameworks, lots of boilerplate code, and ample context switching. In our experience, this is consistent with other schema-first, resolver-oriented approaches to GraphQL, which suffer from the same drawbacks: long development cycles, shallow APIs, and tight coupling to data models.
At Hasura, we believe that a data-first, compiler-oriented approach to GraphQL is the way to go. We end the article with our thoughts on this alternative approach.
What is schema-first approach in GraphQL?
The maintainers of the Netflix DGS library strongly recommend what is commonly referred to as "schema-first" development of GraphQL servers. So do the maintainers of the core graphql-java library, who write in their book:
Schema-first” refers to the idea that the design of a GraphQL schema should be done on its own, and should not be generated or inferred from something else. The schema should not be generated from a database schema, Java domain classes, nor a REST API.
Schemas ought to be schema-first because they should be created in a deliberate way and not merely generated. Although a GraphQL API will have much in common with the database schema or REST API being used to fetch data, the schema should still be deliberately constructed.
We strongly believe that this is the only viable approach for any real-life GraphQL API and we will only focus on this approach. Both Spring for GraphQL and GraphQL Java only support "schema-first."
Othersarenotsosure, however, including the maintainers of the documentation for graphql-java, who write that their library "offers two different ways of defining the schema [code-first and schema-first]."
As advocates of a third way of low-code and data-first development, in this article, we at Hasura step out of our comfort zone, follow orthodox schema-first development of a demo GraphQL server with the state-of-the-art Netflix DGS library in Java, and report back on the experience.
What constitutes a GraphQL server?
"Build a full-featured GraphQL server with Java or Kotlin in record time." – Netflix DGS Getting Started Guide
Netflix DGS is a framework for building GraphQL servers with Java or Kotlin, but what is a "GraphQL server" and what are its features? In our experience, a GraphQL server must have these features.
Functional concerns Primary software functionality that satisfies use cases for end-users:
Queries: Flexible, general-purpose language for getting data from a data model, part of the GraphQL specification.
Mutations: Flexible, general-purpose language for changing data in a data model, part of the GraphQL specification.
Subscriptions: Flexible, general-purpose language for getting real-time or soft real-time data from a data model, part of the GraphQL specification.
Business logic: A model for expressing the most common forms of application logic: authorization, validation, and side-effects.
Integration: An ability to merge data and functionality from other services.
Non-functional concerns Secondary software functionality that supports the functional concerns with Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees for operators:
Caching: Configurable time-vs-space trade-off for obtaining better performance for certain classes of operations.
Security: Protections from attacks and threat vectors.
Observability: The emission of diagnostic information such as metrics, logs, and traces to aid in operations and troubleshooting.
Reliability: High-quality engineering that promotes efficient and correct operation.
Netflix DGS in-action
Take those features as our definition of a "GraphQL server" such that they comprise our ideal end-state. That's our goal. How do we get there with Netflix DGS? It's a tall order with many features, so take baby steps. How do we get to get to the goal of having a more modest version of the very first feature?
Queries: Aflexible, general-purpose language for getting data from a data model, part of the GraphQL specification.
How do we implement a Netflix DGS GraphQL server to get some data from a data model? To make this more "concrete," take "a data model" to be a database. As one handy reference point, make it a relational database with a SQL API. How do we get started?
1. Get Spring Boot The Netflix DGS framework is "based on Spring Boot 3.0", so choosing DGS means choosing Spring Boot over alternatives like Quarkus or Vert.x, two popular alternatives to Spring, the Java application framework foundation for Spring Boot. Absent an existing Spring Boot application to build upon, create a new Spring Boot application with the web-based Spring Initializr. Mature Java and Spring Boot shops likely will substitute their own optimized inception process, but the Initializr is the best way to fulfill the promise of moving fast.
2. Get Netflix DGS Being "opinionated," Spring Boot includes some but not all relevant "batteries." Naturally, one battery we must add either to the Gradle build file or to the Maven POM file is DGS itself.
3. Get a GraphQL schema Being "opinionated," the DGS framework "is designed for schema-first development" so it is necessary first to create a schema file. This is for the GraphQL API, but that API is over a data model so the schema essentially is a data model. While it might be tempting to generate the schema from the fundamental data model – the database – choosing DGS means choosing to write a new data model from scratch. Note that if this new GraphQL data model strongly resembles the foundational database data model, this step may feel like repetition. Ignore that feeling.
4. Get DataFetchers The DataFetcher is the fundamental abstraction within DGS. It plays the role of a Controller in a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. A DataFetcher is a Java or Kotlin method adorned with the @DgsQuery or @DgsData annotations, in a class adorned with the @DgsComponent annotation. The function of the annotations is to instruct the DGS run-time to treat the method as a resolver for a field on a type in the GraphQL schema, to invoke the method when executing queries that involve that field, and to include that field's data as it marshals the response payload for the query. Typically, there will be a DataFetcher for every Type and top-level Query field in the schema. Given that the types and fields were already defined in the schema, this step may also feel like repetition. Ignore that feeling as well.
packagecom.example.demo.datafetchers;importcom.example.demo.generated.types.*;*;*;importjava.util.*;*;@DgsComponent// Mark this class as DGS ComponentpublicclassShowsDataFetcher{privatefinalShowsService showsService;publicShowsDataFetcher(ShowsService showsService){this.showsService = showsService;}@DgsQuery// Mark this class as a DGS DataFetcherpublicList<Show>shows(@InputArgument("titleFilter")String titleFilter){if(titleFilter ==null)return showsService.shows();return showsService.shows().stream().filter(s -> s.getTitle().contains(titleFilter)).collect(Collectors.toList());}}
5. Get POJOs (Optional) If the DataFetchers play the role of Controllers in an MVC architecture, typically there will be corresponding components for the Models. DGS does not require them so they can be regarded as "optional," though the DGS examples have them as do typical Spring applications. They can be Java Records or even Java Maps (more on this later), but typically they are Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) and are the fundamental units of the in-memory application-layer data model, which often mirrors the foundational persistent database data model. The one-to-one correspondence between database tables, GraphQL schema types, GraphQL schema top-level Query fields, DGS DataFetchers, and POJOs may feel like yet more repetition. Continue to ignore these feelings.
6. Get real data (Not Optional) The road laid out by the DGS Getting Started guide unfortunately turns to gravel at this point in the journey, with its examples merely returning hard-coded in-memory data. This is not an option for a real application whose data is persisted in a relational database with an SQL API, as was stipulated above.
Of course, the Model and Controller layers of a multi-layered MVC architecture being independent of the View layer need not be GraphQL or DGS specific. And so it is appropriate that the opinionated DGS guide withhold opinions on how exactly to map data between model objects and a relational database. Without that luxury, real applications typically will use Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks like Hibernate or JOOQ, but those tools have their own Getting Started guides:
Consider choosing Hibernate for its greater popularity, broader industry support, larger volume of learning resources, and slightly greater integration with the Spring ecosystem – all important factors. In that case, here are some of the remaining steps.
7. Get Hibernate As it is time to add another "battery" to the application, like with Spring and DGS, Hibernate is added either to the Gradle build file or to the Maven POM file.
8. Get access to the database Naturally, the application needs access to the database, which can be configured into Hibernate via a simple file in the ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources directory.
hibernate.connection.url=<JDBC url>
hibernate.connection.username=<DB role name>
hibernate.connection.password=<DB credential secret>
9. Get mappings between POJOs and tables Hibernate can map the tables to POJOs – which again are the Models in the MVC architecture – to database tables (or views) by annotating those classes with @Entity, @Table, @Id, and other annotations that the Hibernate framework defines. The function of these annotations is to instruct the Hibernate run-time to treat the classes as targets for fetching corresponding data from the database (as well as flushing changes back to the database).
@Entity// Mark this as a persistent Entity@Table(name ="shows")// Name its table if differentpublicclassShow{@Id// Mark the field as a primary key@GeneratedValue// Specify that the db generates thisprivatefinalUUID id;privatefinalString title;privatefinalInteger releaseYear;publicShow(UUID id,String title,Integer releaseYear){ = id;this.title = title;this.releaseYear = releaseYear;}publicUUIDgetId(){return id;}publicStringgetTitle(){return title;}publicIntegergetReleaseYear(){return releaseYear;}}
Hibernate can also map the tables to Java Map instances (hash tables) instead of POJOs, as mentioned above. This is done via dynamic mapping in what are called mapping files. Typically there will be an XML mapping file for every Model in the application, with the naming convention modelname.hbm.xml, in the ${project.basedir}/main/resources directory. This substitutes the labor of writing Java POJO files for the Models and annotating them with Hibernate annotations, with the labor of writing XML mapping files for the Models and embedding the equivalent metadata there. It may feel like little was gained in the bargain, but ignoring those feelings should be second nature by now.
<!DOCTYPEhibernate-mappingPUBLIC"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"""><hibernate-mapping><classentity-name="Show"><idname="id"column="id"length="32"type="string"/><!--no native UUID type in Hibernate mapping--><propertyname="title"not-null="true"length="50"type="string"/><propertyname="releaseYear"not-null="true"length="50"type="integer"/></class></hibernate-mapping>
10. Get fetching As described above, the DGS demo example Controller class fetches hard-coded in-memory data. To fetch data from the database in a real application, replace this implementation with one that establishes the crucial link between the three key frameworks: DGS, Spring, and Hibernate.;importcom.example.demo.generated.types.*;importjava.util.*;importorg.hibernate.cfg.*;importorg.springframework.stereotype.*;importstaticorg.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings.*;@ServicepublicclassShowsServiceImplimplementsShowsService{privateStandardServiceRegistry registry;privateSessionFactory sessionFactory;publicShowsServiceImpl(){try{this.registry =newStandardServiceRegistryBuilder().build();this.sessionFactory =newMetadataSources(this.registry).addAnnotatedClass(Show.class)// Add every Model class to the Hibernate metadata.buildMetadata().buildSessionFactory();}catch(Exception e){StandardServiceRegistryBuilder.destroy(this.registry);}}@OverridepublicList<Show>shows(){List<Show> shows =newArrayList<>();
sessionFactory.inTransaction(session ->{
session.createSelectionQuery("from Show",Show.class)// 'Show' is mentioned twice.getResultList().forEach(show -> shows.add(show));});return shows;}}
11. Get iterating At this point there already is a fair amount of code and other software artifacts:
GraphQL schema files (*.sdl)
Project build files (build.gradle or pom.xml)
Configuration files (
DGS DataFetcher files (*.java)
POJO files (*.java)
Additional Controller files (*.java)
... along with packages, symbols, and annotations from three frameworks:
And yet, it would be a stroke of luck if it even compiled let alone functioned properly at first. To iterate on the project rapidly and with confidence until it builds and functions properly, repeatable unit tests-as-code are needed. Fortunately, the Spring Initialzr will already have added the JUnit and Spring Boot testing components to the project build files. To use mock data with a framework such as Mockito, however, its components must be added to the project build file.
12. Get to a milestone After iterating on the implementation by writing test cases in tandem, eventually, a milestone is reached. There is a functioning Netflix DGS GraphQL server to get some data from a foundational data model in a relational database. Building on this success, take stock of what has been accomplished so far so that planning can begin for what still needs to be done.
Recall our definition of a "GraphQL server" as one that has the Functional and Non-Functional concerns listed above, and note which features have and have not yet been implemented:
[✓] queries
[ ] flexible, general-purpose queries
[ ] mutations
[ ] subscriptions
[ ] business logic
[ ] integration
[ ] caching
[ ] security
[ ] reliability and error handling
Clearly, there still is a long way to go. Granted, the providers of frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Netflix DGShave thought of this. A benefit of frameworks like these is that they are frameworks: They organize the code, they furnish mental models for reasoning about it, they offer guidance in the form of opinions derived from experience, and they provide "lighted pathways" for adding these other features and fulfilling the promise of a "full-featured GraphQL server."
For instance, some of the flexibility we seek can be recovered within Hibernate by switching to JPA entity graph fetching. Alternatively, instead of fetching the data "directly" through Hibernate, the DGS DataFetchers could compose Hibernate Query Language (HQL) queries, which are then executed by Hibernate to retrieve the data. This bears a strong resemblance to compiling SQL (perhaps even from GraphQL), but it has the virtue of being abstracted away from the details of the underlying database SQL dialect.
Likewise, caching can be configured in Hibernate (or in JOOQ if that is the ORM). It can also be configured in Spring Boot. Other features, such as security, can be added into Spring with tools like Bucket4j. As for business logic, the code itself (Java or Kotlin) in the DataFetchers, the Controllers, and the Model POJOs provides obvious sites for installing business logic. Naturally, Spring has affordances to help with some of this, such as for authorization, and data validation.
Consequently, a "full-featured GraphQL server" probably can be built in Java or Kotlin by cobbling together Netflix DGS, Spring Boot, an ORM, and other frameworks and libraries. But, several questions leap out:
Can this be accomplished "in record time"?
Should a "full-featured GraphQL server" be attempted this way?
Is there a better way?
Is there a faster path to GraphQL?
Remember that the goal was never to write Java or Kotlin code, juggle frameworks, endure relentless context switching, or generate boilerplate. The goal was:
Build a full-featured GraphQL server with Java or Kotlin in record time.
Getting back to basics, it is possible to answer the third question above: Is there a better way? There is.
What is GraphQL? One way to answer that is by listing its features. Some of those features are:
GraphQL is a flexible, general-purpose query language over types
Types have fields
Fields can relate to other Types
If that sounds familiar, it should because other ways of organizing data have these same features. SQL is one of them. It is not the only one, but it is a very common one. On the other hand, GraphQL has several secondary, related features:
GraphQL has very simple semantics
GraphQL has a highly regular machine-readable input format
GraphQL has a highly regular machine-readable output format
If SQL is more powerful than GraphQL, GraphQL is more uniform and is easier to work with than SQL. They seem like a match made in heaven and this raises some obvious questions:
Can GraphQL be compiled to SQL (and other query languages)?
Should GraphQL be compiled to SQL?
What would be the trade-offs involved?
GraphQL to SQL: Compilers over resolvers
The answer to the first question is a categorical "yes." Hasura does it. PostGraphile does it. Prisma does it. Supabase does it. PostgREST even does something similar, albeit not for GraphQL.
The answer to the second question surely must depend on the answers to the third question.
So what are the trade-offs of adopting a compiler approach over a resolver approach? First, what are some of the benefits?
Truly delivers in "record time."
Solve the data-fetching problem once and for all.
Build functional and non-functional concerns around that core.
Truly "build a full-featured GraphQL server" in record time.
The current conventional wisdom in the GraphQL community is to adopt a schema-first resolver-oriented approach, hand-writing data fetchers over in-memory data models in code, typically with Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, or JavaScript. Stacked against this wisdom is the experience of lengthy development cycles, shallow APIs, superficial implementations, tight coupling to the data model, brittleness and unreliability, and operational inefficiency. This is arguably a very naive approach.
As the current conventional wisdom relaxes to allow for a more diverse set of strategies for building full-featured GraphQL servers, a more sophisticated data-first compiler-oriented approach will be adopted. It has to be. The volume, velocity, and variety of data are only growing. It is not uncommon for enterprises to have hundreds of data sources and thousands of tables. Manually curating GraphQL schema, which nominally are independent of those elements but are practically mirrors of them, and then manually repeating that work in multiple layers of the architecture – manually writing code to marshal data between representations, while neglecting non-functional concerns like security and observability – is simply a non-starter in that setting.
We don't build database engines from scratch every time we enter a business domain that demands solving problems using data. Instead, we reach for full-featured general-purpose purpose-built database products and adapt them to our needs to solve these problems quickly and confidently so that we can move on to the next problems. Likewise, we shouldn't build API servers from scratch every time we enter a business domain that demands solving problems using APIs. Instead, we should reach for a full-featured general-purpose purpose-built API product and adapt it to our needs to solve these problems quickly and confidently and get on with our lives.
Ready to stop hand-coding GraphQL APIs and embrace Hasura's data-first, compiler-driven approach to build faster, more reliable, and scalable solutions?