Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura
Video Recordings

I want data; I want it now. The future of application development.

Once and future app development: Reinventing the integration layer for apps, stacks, and teams
KellyAnn Fitzpatrick, Industry Analyst, RedMonk

Cross Database Joins with GraphQL
Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura

Schema sharing: A new utility for learning Hasura best-practices and sharing your knowledge
Martin Mark, Product Design Lead, Hasura

Improving Query Performance with Hasura’s Response Cache
Phil Freeman, Server Engineering Lead, Hasura

Ecosystem of Data with GraphQL
Praveen Durairaju, Senior Developer Advocate, Hasura

GraphQL Typesafe Clients - How & Why to Adopt
Gavin Ray, Technical Evangelist, Hasura

Visualizing TimescaleDB compression status in real-time with Hasura
Jônatas Davi Paganini, Developer Advocate, Timescale

Deploy and run always-on, scalable applications in under 5 minutes with Hasura Cloud and Yugabyte Cloud
Nikhil Chandrappa, Software Engineer Lead, Yugabyte

An Architect's Guide to Building with Hasura
Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura

Hasura in Enterprise
Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura

Evolution of Hasura Engineering
Davy Stevenson, VP of Engineering, Hasura

High performance apps & teams: prototyping in production
Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura
Guillermo Rauch, CEO, Vercel

Preview apps on pull-requests & automated deployments on branches: Github & Hasura Cloud
Rishichandra Wawhal, Software Engineer, Hasura

SQL Server subscriptions: Up and running
Abby Sassel, Software Engineer, Hasura

GraphQL & Security
Tirumarai Selvan, Product, Hasura

useReducer: The best React Hook ever
Sameer Kolhar, Software Engineer, Hasura

Delivering real-time statistics for the 2021 Olympics
Erik Reyna, Engineering Lead, The Washington Post

Internationalization with Hasura: How to Make Your Backend (Almost) as Smart as Google Translate
Brittany Roddy, Lead Software Eng. & Architect, Current Desk

How we build Hasura Cloud with Hasura
Shraddha Agrawal, Software Engineer, Hasura

Building Off Script on Hasura from day 0: what we learned
Gus Fune, CTO, Off Script

NoOps for Enterprise applications
Sebastian Ferrari, CTO and Co-Founder, Taller

Building & Scaling Pipe
Peter Downs, Director of Engineering, Pipe
Rajoshi Ghosh, Co-founder & COO, Hasura
Yasmine Moaven, VP of Marketing and Communications, Pipe

Modernizing a 30 year old stack with GraphQL, Hasura & .Net
Andrew Doyle, Director of Legislative Applications, Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
Adam Turoff, Senior Software Engineer, Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
Glenn Rueff, Senior Software Engineer, Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives
Rajoshi Ghosh, Co-founder & COO, Hasura

Vision & Roadmap & Community Keynote
Tyler Hannan, Head of Community, Hasura
Tanmai Gopal, CEO, Hasura