Connect Weaviate to Hasura

With our local data sorted, we now need to connect our Weaviate instance to Hasura. This will allow us to query our vectorized data.

Add the Weaviate agent

Back in the Hasura Console, head to Data and click on Manage in the left-hand sidebar and then expand Data Connector Agents. Then, add the Weaviate agent as shown in the image:

Set up Weaviate agent

Then, click on Connect Database and add your Weaviate instance's connection details:

Set up Weaviate agent

You'll need to enter Resume for your Database Name, your Weaviate apiKey, the host of your Weaviate instance (which is the endpoint without https), and the scheme which should be https.

Track our Schema

Under Data > Resumes, track the Resume table:

Track schema

Like before, this will expose the Resume table to our GraphQL API. All that's left is to create a remote relationship and we'll be querying our vectorized data in no time!

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