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Let's say we want to automatically ingest and update resumes. We can set up an Event Trigger on our Postgres table, such that whenever there is a new record or change in a record, we automatically fetch the data and store the vectorized data in out VectorDB.

You can find this code under handlers/ and handlers/ in our repository. We'll go over information step-by-step below but remember, this service is already running as part of your docker-comose. This will run a Flask server on port 8400 that will handle all events as they're triggered from Hasura. If you're eager to get started, you can skip to Step 4. Please also ensure your OpenAI API key is set as an environment variable called OPENAI_API_KEY in the docker-compose file.

Step 1: Define your specific event handler

For all CRUD events, we'll need to define a specific handler. In our use case, we're only illustrating how to handle inserts and deletes.

In the example below, we're defining a handler for inserts and deletes. We're using the id field from the row to identify the record in our VectorDB. We're also using the content field to store the vectorized data. In reality, you would follow the URL from row['url'] to fetch the resume content.

def handle_insert(row, client):
id = row['id']
# In reality you would follow the URL from row['url']
content = "dummy content"
gql_query = gql("""
mutation insertItem($id: String!, $content: text!) {
insert_Resume_one(object: { application_id: $id, content: $content }) {
print(client.execute(gql_query, variable_values={
'id': id, 'content': content}))
def handle_delete(row, client):
id = row['id']
gql_query = gql("""
mutation deleteItem($id: String!) {
delete_Resume(where: {application_id: { _eq: $id } }) {
print(client.execute(gql_query, variable_values={
'id': id}))

Step 2: Define an overall handler

After defining each event handler we'll need, we need an overall event handler defined that will execute the appropriate handler when an event occurs:

def handle_event(event):
gql_headers = {'x-hasura-admin-secret': 'secret'}
# Create a GraphQL client with the request transport
transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(
url=GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, headers=gql_headers)
client = Client(transport=transport)
event = event['event']
op = event['op']
if op == 'INSERT':
row = event['data']['new']
handle_insert(row, client)
elif op == 'UPDATE':
old_row = event['data']['old']
new_row = event['data']['new']
# TODO: Do something
elif op == 'DELETE':
old_row = event['data']['old']
handle_delete(old_row, client)
return "Success"

Step 3: Create an API for Hasura to call

Event Triggers in Hasura work by hitting an endpoint or server of your own design. This allows you to define your own logic, in any language, for handling events. In our case, we're using Python and the lightweight Flask framework. In the code below, you can see we've an endpoint at /handle_event that will handle all events from Hasura.

import query_llm
import event
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
app = Flask("handlers")
@app.route('/query_llm', methods=['POST'])
def query_llm_handler():
return jsonify(query_llm.query_llm(request.get_json(), request.headers))
@app.route('/handle_event', methods=['POST'])
def event_trigger_handler():
return jsonify(event.handle_event(request.get_json()))
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8400)

If you've built this in the /handler directory, you can start this from the repository's root by running python3 to start the server.

Step 4: Configure the Event Trigger in Hasura

Head to the Events tab and click Create to configure a new Event Trigger. Let's name this ingestion. We'll reference the public schema and application table of the HRTool database. Ensure all CRUD operations are checked as triggers and enter the following URL for our Flask API:


Note: If your're using Linux, you'll need to replace host.docker.internal with localhost.

Then, we'll need to modify the Request Method underneath the Request Options Transform section to POST.

The configuration should look like this before clicking, Create Event Trigger:

Events setup

Finally, we can test this by entering a new application. Head to the Data tab and choose the application table before clicking Insert Row. Enter a new application and click Insert.

New application test

Then, you can check the Events tab and select the invocation trigger to see the response:

Events response

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