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Querying an LLM
You can also set up LLM queries as an Action on a remote source. This is great because we can define access control for Actions as well, and any data that we query will pass through our data access control we set up earlier. In the scenario below, we want to enable our API to serve natural-language queries to our LLM model. This way, a user can ask a question such as "Who would be best in a zombie scenario?" and our API can return a generative AI response that's backed up by its training on the data in our database.
As before, if you've already set up the server, you can skip to Step 3. However, we'll go into detail below for each step.
Step 1: Write the LLM query
We'll need to write a function that takes in a GraphQL request and returns a prompt for the LLM. The code below creates
a get_prompt()
function that takes in a GraphQL request and returns a prompt for the LLM. The prompt is a string that
contains the user's query and the content of the resumes that match the query.
def get_prompt(request):print(request)user_query = request['input']['user_query']# Add authenticated session variables as headers along with the admin secretgql_headers = request['session_variables']gql_headers['x-hasura-admin-secret'] = 'secret'# Create a GraphQL client with the request transporttransport = RequestsHTTPTransport(url=GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT, headers=gql_headers)client = Client(transport=transport)# Send the GraphQL requestgql_query = gql("""query getItems($user_query: text!) {Resume(where: { vector: { near_text: $user_query}}, limit: 3) {contentapplication_id}}""")result = client.execute(gql_query, variable_values={'user_query': user_query})# resumes = result['data']['Resume']resumes = result["Resume"]prompt = """You are a helpful Question Answering bot.You are provided with content from a few resumes and a question.Answer the question based on the content of the resumes.Provide your reasoning.Question: {question}"""prompt += user_queryfor resume in resumes:prompt += "Resume:"prompt += resume["content"]prompt += "with Application ID: "prompt += resume["application_id"]prompt += "\n"return prompt
Step 2: Define the API
Then, we'll need to define the API that will handle the request. We'll use the query_llm()
function below to handle
the request. This function takes in a GraphQL request and returns a response from the LLM with the text-davinci-003
def query_llm(request, headers):llm = OpenAI(model="text-davinci-003",openai_api_key=os.environ['OPENAI_APIKEY'])prompt = get_prompt(request)chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=PromptTemplate.from_template(prompt))return str({"question":request["input"]["user_query"]}))
Step 3: Create an Action on the Hasura Console
On the Actions
page, click Create
and enter the following Action Definition
type Query {QueryLLM(user_query: String!): String}
Then, clear out the Type Configuration and provide the handler via this URL:
Note: If your're using Linux, you'll need to replace host.docker.internal
with localhost
Finally, we'll need to transform the request options as we did with our Event Trigger. Our API is expecting a POST
request, so we'll set that as the Request Method
before clicking Create Action
at the bottom of the page.
Step 4: Execute the Action
For now, turn off our added manager
and role
request headers. Now you can use QueryLLM
as a type in your GraphQL
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