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Set up local Postgres

We've provided you several Jupyter notebooks that will help you to shape your data and configure your Postgres instance. You can find these notebooks in the /tutorials/HRTool/scripts directory of the repository. We'll walk through each of these notebooks in sequence. It's important to follow the steps in order as they appear, as they are dependent on each other.


Using 1_postgres_setup.ipynb, we'll execute each cell in sequence. Broadly, we're using the pandas library to read in the CSV file, convert it to a dataframe, and then write it to a set of tables in Postgres using pyscopg2 and sqlalchemy. We finish by writing a new file called processed_resume.csv that we'll use in the next notebook.

The benefit of using these notebooks is that you can check yourself against the output of each cell. Additionally, you can replicate the steps we illustrate for you on your own projects and data. All we're doing is taking a CSV file and getting it into the right shape before then adding it to Postgres.

Below, we walk through the context of what each cell is doing.

Install dependencies

While there's no cell early on for this, we recommend you install the dependencies for this notebook first:

pip install pandas
pip install psycopg2-binary
pip install sqlalchemy

Grab the CSV

We're using this dataset from Kaggle. Download it and, inside your repository, add a new set of directories inside the scripts folder called, data/Resume and place the file in this lowest subdirectory. The filename should be Resume.csv.

At this point, you should run the cells in 1_postgres_setup.ipynb and follow along with the steps below for context.

Read in the CSV

Here, we're using pandas to read in the CSV file. We then use the head method to show the first two rows of the dataframe. This is a good way to check that the data is being read in correctly.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data/Resume/Resume.csv')

Shape the data

Next, we're using pandas to shape the data. We're dropping the ID, Resume_html, and Category columns as we don't need them. We're then renaming the Resume_str column to content as this is the column that contains the text we'll be vectorizing. We're then adding an id column that we'll use as the primary key in our Postgres table. We're also adding a name and email column that we'll use to populate the name and email fields in our Postgres table.

Finally, as before, we're using the head method to show the first two rows of the dataframe and check ourselves.

df.drop(columns=['ID','Resume_html', 'Category'], inplace=True)
df = df.rename(columns={'Resume_str': 'content'})
df['id'] = range(1, len(df) + 1)
df['name'] = df['id'].apply(lambda x: f'name_{x}')
df['email'] = df['id'].apply(lambda x: f'emailid{x}')

Create a connection to Postgres

To create a connection to Postgres, we're using the psycopg2 library. We're using the connect method to create a connection to the database after passing in the databases's connection string to the create_engine method. This will allow us to execute SQL commands against the database.

import psycopg2
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
# Note sqlalchemy has deprecated postgres dialect name so we have to update
# env variable HASURA_GRAPHQL_METADATA_DATABASE_URL to postgresql://
db = create_engine("postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/metadata")
conn = db.connect()

Create and populate the 'candidate' table

Using the to_sql method, we're creating a new table called candidate in our Postgres database. We're then populating the table with the id, name, and email columns from our dataframe.

# Save to Postgres candidates table
df[['id', 'name', 'email']].to_sql('candidate', conn, index=False, if_exists='append')

Create and populate the 'application' table

Similar to the previous step, we're using the to_sql method to create a new table called application in our Postgres database. We create a new column called candidate_id which is a copy of the id column, converted to a string.

Then, we create a list of hiring managers which we'll randomly assign to each candidate. Next, we create two new columns: resume_url, which is a formatted string containing the candidate_id, and hiring_manager, which is a randomly selected value from the hiring_manager_list.

Finally, we print the number of null values in the candidate_id column and write all the values to the application table.

# Save to Postgres application table
import random
# df = df.rename(columns={'id': 'candidate_id'})
df['candidate_id'] = df['id']
df['candidate_id'] = df['candidate_id'].astype(str)
hiring_manager_list = ["Manager1", "Manager2", "Manager3", "Manager4", "Manager5"]
df['resume_url'] = df['candidate_id'].apply(lambda x: f'{x}')
df['hiring_manager'] = df['candidate_id'].apply(lambda x: random.choice(hiring_manager_list))
df[['id','candidate_id', 'resume_url', 'hiring_manager']].to_sql('application', conn, index=False, if_exists='append')

Write out the processed CSV

Finally, we're writing out the processed CSV file that we'll use in the next notebook.

df.to_csv("data/Resume/processed_resume.csv", index=False)
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