Setting up a production ready realtime GraphQL backend in just a few minutes
Announcing the DIY Realtime GraphQL BaaS using Hasura, DigitalOcean and Auth0
Since Facebook announced GraphQL three years ago, GraphQL popularity has grown by leaps and bounds. In the 2018 state of javascript survey, 83% of JS developers had either used GraphQL or wanted to learn it, and it is well on its way to becoming a megatrend.
npm trends for GraphQL
Adopting GraphQL can result in a significant increase in feature velocity, and any organization looking at new product development or re-architecting their existing products should seriously evaluate GraphQL and the benefits that it brings.
Getting started with GraphQL quickly
At Hasura, we have just released the DIY Realtime GraphQL BaaS. It uses the Hasura GraphQL Engine, Auth0 and DigitalOcean, to help you setup a production ready GraphQL backend in a few minutes — sort of like Firebase, but for realtime GraphQL, over Postgres, on your own infrastructure. It offers you the ease of use of a BaaS (set up in a few minutes), while allowing you to retain flexibility and control going forward.
Here’s how you can set it up:
Deploy the Hasura GraphQL engine on DigitalOcean using the one-click deploy. It comes with a Postgres database and Caddy webserver for easy and automatic HTTPS using Let’s Encrypt.
Deploy Hasura GraphQL on DigitalOcean
2) Create your schema using the Hasura console. The Hasura GraphQL Engine will give you instant GraphQL APIs, for queries, mutations and subscriptions.
Create schema
3) Configure Auth0 rules and callback URLs, and integrate it with Hasura.
Configure access control rules
And that’s it! You have a full-fledged backend with GraphQL APIs and Authentication/authorization on managed infrastructure. On the 5$ machine, you should be able to handle thousands of users. Of course, if you want to handle more users, you can just upgrade the underlying infra.