Create REST APIs on ClickHouse in 2 minutes

Connect Hasura to your new or existing ClickHouse database and generate high-quality, secure, and performant REST APIs.
Instant GraphQL APIs

Build high-quality GraphQL APIs on ClickHouse, instantly

Connect to a new or existing ClickHouse database and get standardized, highly composable GraphQL APIs. The Hasura GraphQL Engine introspects the database and automatically generates GraphQL schemas and resolvers based on the ClickHouse tables, views, and functions.

GraphQL queries on ClickHouse

Leverage the full power of GraphQL API to interact with your ClickHouse database for all your read use cases.

Query exactly what you want from your ClickHouse tables, views, and functions.

Relationships and nesting

The GraphQL API on ClickHouse handles relationships between models, and queries can be nested to any depth if required.


Easily manage large datasets with built-in pagination capabilities. Cursor-based, Relay-style, and offset-based pagination is supported natively.


Filter query results on ClickHouse columns and fields using advanced WHERE clauses and Boolean / logical operators like _and / _or, etc.


Sort data based on multiple fields in ClickHouse rows and specify the sort direction (ascending or descending), making it easy to present your data.


Perform various aggregations to get summary about your ClickHouse data directly within your GraphQL queries. Leverage aggregate functions in ClickHouse DB like count, sum, min, max, avg, etc.

Parameterized views

Create parameterized views in ClickHouse and query them via GraphQL.

query fetchPropertyPrice {
  ukPricePaid(limit: 10, order_by: {price: Desc}) {
    region {
Fetch `date`, `district`, `price` and `region` relationship for UK property price data.

GraphQL mutations on ClickHouse

Perform robust data manipulation operations on your ClickHouse database with GraphQL mutations. Insert, update, or delete data in ClickHouse via Hasura’s native queries.

mutation {
 insert_artist(id: 100, name: "New Artist") {
Insert into the artist row in ClickHouse DB table with values for `id` and `name` fields.

High-performance GraphQL APIs, at scale

Hasura takes a domain-driven approach to GraphQL, where a GraphQL query is compiled to a query on a domain model (a database query or existing APIs) resulting in superior API performance.

Hasura leverages the goodness of ClickHouse to create efficient GraphQL queries.

Compile vs. resolve

Hasura avoids the GraphQL N+1 query problem by compiling a query instead of resolving. This compiler-based approach allows Hasura to form a single database query for a GraphQL query of any depth and avoids the N+1 problem in GraphQL.

Predicate pushdown ClickHouse database query

Hasura filters data at the source with a predicate pushdown of queries to ClickHouse. Hasura can push down a majority of queries like relationships and joins, arguments, and filtering.

High-performance GraphQL APIs, at scale
Performance benchmarks

Hasura’s GraphQL APIs are faster than handwritten subgraphs on top of ClickHouse

Add caching to existing ClickHouse GraphQL APIs for faster response times

Get up to 10x faster API performance on ClickHouse with end-to-end caching, scaling vertically and horizontally.

Hasura has metadata about the data models across data sources, and the authorization rules at the application level, which helps provide end-to-end caching.

Production-ready APIs on ClickHouse, from day one


Monitor for known issues by debugging and analyzing metrics from your Hasura instance.

API security

Secure your ClickHouse GraphQL APIs with tools including allow list, multiple JWT secrets, API rate limits, and more.


Make granular read and write access control easy to configure on your ClickHouse database with a built-in authorization engine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Reach out to our team, and we can help you select the Hasura plan that’s right for you.

Can I use GraphQL with existing ClickHouse database?

How can I secure my GraphQL API for ClickHouse?

Can I combine and join data from ClickHouse and other sources in a single GraphQL query?

How does Hasura optimize GraphQL performance for ClickHouse?

Contact Us

If you have any more questions about pricing, we’re here to help.

2024 Edition

The GraphQL Handbook

A GraphQL Handbook for developers and architects to help plan your GraphQL adoption journey.
The GraphQL Handbook