Harnessing the power of MuleSoft and Hasura

In the rapidly evolving world of API development and integration, organizations often encounter complex challenges that require a combination of powerful tools and technologies. Two such platforms, MuleSoft and Hasura, offer unique capabilities that can be harnessed together to create a comprehensive and efficient API ecosystem.

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into MuleSoft and Hasura, exploring their individual merits, discussing real-world use cases, and providing architectural insights on how these platforms can complement each other to meet the diverse needs of modern enterprises.

Understanding MuleSoft

MuleSoft, acquired by Salesforce, is a leading integration platform that enables organizations to seamlessly connect disparate systems, applications, and data sources. With its extensive library of connectors, MuleSoft simplifies integration challenges by providing out-of-the-box connectivity to various systems, including enterprise applications, databases, cloud services, and more. It offers a visual integration development environment that empowers developers to design, build, and manage APIs, ensuring efficient data flow across the enterprise. MuleSoft's robust capabilities include data transformation, API orchestration, message routing, and comprehensive monitoring and management tools.

MuleSoft shines as an API gateway layer, enabling organizations to manage, secure, and control their APIs. Its versatile workflow capabilities streamline the integration process, ensuring seamless orchestration of data and processes. Beyond its API gateway functionality, MuleSoft's specialized B2B/EDI integration platform deserves a special mention, catering to the specific requirements of B2B and EDI integration use-cases. With MuleSoft, organizations can effortlessly connect systems, enhance API governance, and drive efficient workflows.

Deep dive into MuleSoft

Message transformation: MuleSoft provides powerful data transformation capabilities, allowing you to easily convert data between different formats, protocols, and systems. With its graphical mapping editor and built-in data mapping functions, you can efficiently handle complex data transformation scenarios.

Orchestration and workflow: MuleSoft's visual flow designer enables the creation of complex integration workflows and orchestration processes. It allows you to define conditional routing, error handling, and exception management, making it suitable for implementing sophisticated integration scenarios.

Exploring Hasura

Hasura, on the other hand, is an open source data platform that provides instant GraphQL APIs over existing databases and existing REST and GraphQL endpoints. With Hasura, developers can rapidly build secure and performant APIs without writing complex boilerplate code. It acts as a powerful data access layer, automatically generating GraphQL APIs based on the database schema. Hasura's real-time capabilities, powered by GraphQL subscriptions, enable developers to build interactive and collaborative applications with instant updates. It also offers granular access control and authorization mechanisms, allowing developers to define fine-grained permissions and ensure data security and compliance.

Hasura takes the spotlight as a data connectivity layer, revolutionizing API development and transformation. By seamlessly integrating with OLTP and OLAP databases, Hasura provides an automated solution for generating GraphQL APIs. With its powerful API integration capabilities, developers can quickly build robust APIs and effortlessly handle data connectivity challenges. Hasura simplifies the complex task of API integration and transformation, empowering developers to accelerate their development cycles and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Deep dive into Hasura

Rapid API development: Hasura's strength lies in its ability to generate GraphQL APIs from existing databases rapidly. With its intuitive UI and CLI tools, you can easily design, build, and deploy APIs in minutes, significantly accelerating your development cycles.

Real-time capabilities: Hasura offers real-time GraphQL subscriptions, enabling instant updates and real-time data synchronization. This feature is particularly useful for applications requiring live updates, collaborative features, or notifications.

Fine-grained data access control: Hasura provides granular access control and authorization mechanisms, allowing you to define permissions and policies at the API layer. This ensures that only authorized users have access to specific data, enhancing security and compliance.

Real-world use cases and architecture

Let's explore three real-world use cases where the combination of MuleSoft and Hasura can be particularly powerful:

1.  E-commerce integration: MuleSoft can connect e-commerce platforms, inventory systems, payment gateways, and shipping providers, ensuring a seamless customer experience. Hasura can be used to provide instant GraphQL APIs over the product catalog and inventory databases, enabling real-time inventory updates and personalized product recommendations.

2.  Healthcare data integration: MuleSoft can integrate patient management systems, electronic health records (EHR), and billing systems, streamlining data exchange and ensuring compliance with healthcare standards. Hasura can serve as the data access layer, allowing healthcare providers to query patient data through GraphQL APIs securely.

3.  Financial services integration: MuleSoft can connect banking systems, payment processors, and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, facilitating secure and efficient financial transactions. Hasura can be used to provide real-time insights into customer transactions and account balances, enabling personalized financial dashboards or fraud detection systems.


In the above architecture, the client and the application layer directly interacts with MuleSoft, which serves as the API gateway/layer and workflow platform. MuleSoft handles the routing, transformation, and management of API requests, providing a centralized point for API governance and control. MuleSoft also does the integration of APIs that Hasura doesn’t work with or which MuleSoft handles best. This includes the workflow management and B2B EDI integration APIs.

Hasura, on the other hand, is positioned as the data connectivity layer. It seamlessly connects to OLTP and OLAP databases and provides the ability to perform API integration and transformation. Hasura simplifies API development by auto-generating a GraphQL API layer from existing databases, enabling efficient data access and manipulation.

The databases, represented in the architecture, can be OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) databases. Hasura can handle both types, allowing developers to connect to and query the databases using GraphQL APIs.

This architecture highlights the clear division of responsibilities between MuleSoft and Hasura, with MuleSoft focused on API gateway functionality and workflow management, while Hasura excels in data connectivity, API integration, and handling OLTP and OLAP databases.

When to use Hasura with MuleSoft

Let’s look at the main scenarios where it makes sense to use Hasura with MuleSoft:

1.  Simplified Data Access: When your primary focus is on efficient data access and manipulation, especially with real-time requirements, Hasura's GraphQL engine offers a powerful solution. It is perfect for applications that necessitate real-time updates, collaborative editing, or interactive data querying.

2.  Hybrid Approaches: In certain cases, a combination of MuleSoft and Hasura can be beneficial. For instance, you can leverage MuleSoft's integration capabilities to connect disparate systems and use Hasura as a data access layer, providing a unified GraphQL API over the integrated data sources. This approach combines the best of both platforms to deliver a seamless and efficient solution.

Combining MuleSoft and Hasura

When considering the combination of MuleSoft and Hasura, it's essential to understand their complementary strengths and architectural implications.

Here are some key scenarios where their combined usage can prove beneficial:

1.  Hybrid Integration Scenarios: MuleSoft excels in integrating heterogeneous systems, enabling seamless communication between various enterprise applications, cloud services, and databases. In scenarios where real-time data access and manipulation are required, Hasura can be used as a data access layer for instant GraphQL APIs over the existing databases. This combination allows for efficient data integration and real-time capabilities while leveraging MuleSoft's comprehensive connectivity and transformation features.

2.  Microservices Architecture: In a microservices architecture, MuleSoft can serve as the integration layer, orchestrating communication between different microservices and providing a unified API gateway. Hasura can be used within the microservices themselves, generating GraphQL APIs to access and manipulate the respective microservice's data. This approach allows for decoupled microservices with their own GraphQL APIs, while MuleSoft ensures seamless communication and integration between them.

3.  Accelerating API Development: Hasura's automatic API generation capabilities provide developers with a rapid development experience. By integrating Hasura with MuleSoft, developers can leverage MuleSoft's powerful transformation and connectivity features to enrich the data returned by Hasura's GraphQL APIs. This combination allows for accelerated API development while ensuring data consistency, enrichment, and adherence to enterprise standards.

4.  Real-time Data Synchronization: Hasura's real-time capabilities make it ideal for scenarios where real-time data synchronization is required, such as collaborative applications or real-time dashboards. MuleSoft can integrate with Hasura to fetch and transform data from various sources, and Hasura's real-time subscriptions can enable instant updates and real-time notifications to connected clients.

Comparing MuleSoft and Hasura

To better understand why combining Hasura and MuleSoft is so powerful, let’s compare the two systems. The contrast shows us how complimentary they really are:




Integration type

Enterprise Integration Platform

Data Platform with auto-generated APIs


Extensive connectors for various systems and protocols

Connects to existing databases for API generation

Message transformation

Powerful data transformation capabilities

Directly maps database schema to GraphQL API


Robust visual flow designer for complex integration workflows

N/A (Focuses on API generation and real-time features)

Real-time capabilities

Limited support for real-time updates and notifications

GraphQL subscriptions for real-time data synchronization

Rapid API development

Requires configuration and development effort

Auto-generates GraphQL APIs with a minimal development effort

Data access control

Provides fine-grained access control and authorization mechanisms

Offers granular control over API permissions and policies with ABAC and Authorization


Designed for complex enterprise integrations

Suitable for projects of all sizes, including startups and smaller applications

Learning curves

Steeper learning curve due to its extensive feature set

Relatively easier to learn and get started with

Use cases

Large-scale enterprise integrations involving diverse systems

Modern applications requiring real-time updates and collaborative features

When comparing MuleSoft and Hasura, it's essential to understand their differences in focus and functionality. MuleSoft shines in enterprise-level integrations, offering extensive connectors, data mapping, and transformation capabilities. It excels in large-scale deployments, legacy system modernization, and hybrid cloud scenarios. Hasura, on the other hand, is tailored for efficient data access and manipulation through GraphQL. It provides real-time capabilities, automatic schema generation, and authorization mechanisms.


MuleSoft and Hasura, with their distinct capabilities, can be harnessed together to create a comprehensive and efficient API ecosystem. MuleSoft excels in complex integrations, enterprise-level security, and large-scale deployments. Hasura simplifies data access and manipulation through GraphQL, providing real-time capabilities.

By combining MuleSoft's powerful integration capabilities with Hasura's rapid API development and real-time capabilities, organizations can achieve enhanced agility, seamless data flow, and improved user experiences. By architecting solutions with MuleSoft and Hasura and adding their complementary strengths to align them with your specific use cases, you can unlock new possibilities in API development and integration, empowering your organization to innovate and thrive in the digital era.

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20 Jul, 2023
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