Software designers often compare GraphQL, a language specification for defining, querying, and updating data, and REST, an architectural style that describes the Web. We'll explore why this comparison doesn't make sense, and what questions we should be asking instead. In this article, we will talk about:
REST is an architectural style that came out of Roy Fielding's PhD thesis in 2000. The work examined the properties that made the World Wide Web successful, and derived constraints that would preserve these properties. Roy Fielding was also part of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 working committees. Some of these constraints were added to the HTTP and HTML specs.
What constitutes the Web?
Before understanding REST, it is useful to look at the different kind of participants on the web:
Websites: Programs that serve content for humans to consume and interact with on a browser.
Browsers: Programs meant for (mostly) humans to interact with websites.
API Service Providers: Programs meant to enable other programs to consume and interact with data
API Clients: Programs written to consume and interact with data from an API Service Provider.
Note that a program can act in multiple roles. For example: an API service provider can also be a client consuming API's from another API service provider.
Also note thatthe internet and the World Wide Web are not the same. There are other participants on the internet that we don't talk about here (mail servers, torrent clients, blockchain based applications, etc)
What is an "architectural style"?
An architectural style is a named, coordinated set of architectural constraints. An architectural constraint is a restriction placed on the components of an architecture so that a desirable property is achieved. An example of this is the uniform pipe and filter architecture used in the design of UNIX utilities. A recommended practice for a UNIX utility is:
Each utility should run as a standalone process
Communication between utilities is done only using stdin and stdout via a text interface
Following these constraints would bring these benefits:
Simplicity: Easy for a newcomer to use utilities together
Re-usability: Allows mixing and matching any two utilities if the second can process the data from the first. For example, I can pipe the output from cat or ls or ps to grep. The author of grep does not worry about where the input is coming from.
But in following this constraint, we add latency to the processing since each utility must write its output to the stdout and the next utility must read it from stdin.
An alternate design can be for ls, grep, cat, etc to be libraries with well defined interfaces. The end user is then expected to write programs integrating different libraries to solve their problem. This system would be more performant and roughly as reusable as the earlier system, but would be more complicated to use.
In general, every constraint we add to the design will have trade-offs.
Software design is about identifying the set of design constraints that best serve the requirements.
Architectural constraints for the Web
Let's talk about the constraints that you should follow to build a "RESTful" service:
Keep the server stateless by having each request send everything required to process that request.
Responses to requests must be labelled as cacheable or not
Uniform interface
Servers must expose resources with unique IDs
Resources must be retrieved and manipulated using representations (media-types)
Requests and responses must have all the information to be able to interpret them, i.e they must be self-descriptive
Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS): Clients must rely only on the response to a request to determine the next steps that can be taken. There must be no out-of-band communication related to this.
Layered system: Each component in a system must only rely on the behaviour of systems it immediately interacts with.
Code on demand: This is an optional constraint. A server can send code to be executed by the client to extend the functionality of the client (JavaScript, for example).
The purpose of these constraints is to make the web simple to develop on, scalable, efficient, and support independent evolution of clients and servers. This article explains these constraints in more detail.
REST in Practice
HTTP has been the protocol of choice for implementing the REST architectural style. Some of the constraints such as the client/server pattern, marking resources as caching, and a layered system are baked into HTTP. Others need to be explicitly followed.
The uniform interface & HATEOAS in particular are the most frequently violated REST constraints. Let us look at each of the sub-constraints:
The different components of a REST Request
Services must expose resources with unique IDs
By convention the URI plays the role of the resource ID, and HTTP methods are the uniform set of actions that can be performed on any resource. The first constraint is automatically followed by definition when using HTTP. Most backend frameworks (Rails, Django, etc) also nudge you in the direction of following the second constraint.
Resources must be retrieved and manipulated using representations
Clients retrieve and manipulate resources using media types such as HTML or JSON. A media type such as HTML can also contain the actions the client can perform on the resources, e.g. using forms. This allows independent evolution of servers and clients. Any client that understands a particular representation can be used with any server that supports that representation.
This constraint is useful if you are expecting to have multiple services serving similar types of data, and multiple clients accessing them. For example, any web browser can render any page with content type text/html. Similarly, any RSS reader will work with any server that supports application/rss+xml media type.
However, a lot of scenarios do not require this kind of flexibility
Self-descriptive messages: requests and responses must have all the information to be able to interpret them
Again, this allows services and clients to independently evolve, since clients do not assume a particular response structure. This works well in case of web browsers or RSS readers. However, most API clients are built to access a particular service and are tied to the semantics of the response. In these cases, the overhead of maintaining self-descriptive messages is not always useful.
Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)
REST Response with possible next actions the client can make
This constraint is also expected to allow services and clients to independently evolve, since clients don't hard-code the next steps available. HATEOAS makes perfect sense if the consumer is an end user using a browser. A browser will simply render the HTML along with the actions (forms and anchor tags) that the user can take. The user will then understand what's on the page and take the action they prefer. If you change the URL or form parameters for the next set of actions available to the user, nothing has to change in the browser. The user will still be able to read the page, understand what's happening (maybe grudgingly) and take the right action.
Unfortunately, this won't work for an API client:
If you change the parameters required for an API, the developer for the client program most likely has to understand the semantics of the change, and change the client to accommodate these changes.
For the client developer discovering API's by browsing through them one by one is not very useful. A comprehensive API documentation (such as a Swagger or Postman collection) makes more sense.
In a distributed system with micro services, the next action is often taken by a completely different system (by listening to events generated fired from the current action). So returning the list of available actions to the current client is useless.
So for API Clients, following the HATEOAS constraint does not imply independent evolvability.
A lot of API clients are written to target a single backend, and some amount of coupling will always exist between an API client and the backend. In these cases we can still reduce the amount of coupling by making sure:
Adding new parameters to an API call should not break existing clients
Adding new fields to a response should not break existing clients
It should be possible to add a new serialization format (Say JSON to HTML or protobuf) for a new client.
#1 and #2 above are usually achieved by API versioning and Evolution. Phil Sturgeon has great posts on API Versioning and Evolution that talk about various best practices. #3 can be achieved by respecting the HTTP Accepts header
What is GraphQL?
GraphQL is a language for defining data schemas, queries and updates developed by Facebook in 2012 and open sourced in 2015. The key idea behind GraphQL is that instead of implementing various resource endpoints for fetching and updating data, you define the overall schema of the data available, along with relationships and mutations (updates) that are possible. Clients then can query the data they need.
Here's how a sample GraphQL schema looks:
# Our schema consists of products, users and orders. We will first define these types and relationshipstypeProduct{id:Int!title:String!price:Int!}typeUser{id:Int!email:String!}typeOrderItem{id:Int!product:Product!quantity:Int!}typeOrder{id:Int!orderItems:[OrderItem!]!user:User!}# Some helper types for defining the query typestypeProductFilter{id:Inttitle_like:Stringprice_lt:Intprice_gt:Int}typeOrderFilter{id:IntuserEmail:StringuserId:IntproductTitle:StringproductId:Int}# Define what can be queriedtypeQuery{#Query useruser(email:String!):User!#query productsproducts(where:ProductFilter,limit:Int,offset:Int):[Product!]!#query ordersorders(where:OrderFilter,limit:Int,offset:Int):[Order]}# Helper types for defining mutations (updates)typeOrderItemInput{product:Product!quantity:Int!}typeOrderInput{orderItems:[OrderItemInput!]!user:User!}scalarVoid# Define possible updatestypeMutation{insertOrder(input:OrderInput!):Order!updateOrderItem(id:Int!,quantity:Int!):OrderItem!cancelOrder(id:Int):Void}
Here is how sample GraphQL queries and responses look like:
Sample GraphQL Requests and Responses
Why use GraphQL?
The key advantage of GraphQL is that once the data schema and resolvers have been defined:
Clients can fetch the exact data they need, reducing the network bandwidth required (caching can make this tricky--more on this later).
Frontend teams can execute with very little dependency on the backend teams, since the backend pretty much exposes all the data that is possible. This allows front end teams to execute faster.
Since the schema is typed, it is possible to generate type-safe clients, reducing type errors.
However, on the backend, writing resolvers involves some challenges:
To really achieve #1 and #2, resolvers will usually need to take various filter, pagination, and sort options.
Optimizing resolvers is tricky because different clients will request for different subsets of the data.
You need to worry about avoiding N+1 queries while implementing resolvers.
It is easy for the client to construct complex nested (and potentially recursive) queries that make the server to a lot of work. This can lead to DoS for other clients.
These problems are described in more detail in this article by Paypal.
GraphQL makes it effortless for frontend developers to iterate, but at the expense of backend developers having to put in additional effort upfront.
With Hasura, you do not have to worry about the first 3 problems since Hasura compiles your GraphQL queries directly to SQL queries. So you do not write any resolvers while using Hasura. The generated queries use SQL join to fetch related data avoiding the N + 1 query problem. The allowed list feature also provides a solution to #4.
How does GraphQL break the REST architectural style?
GraphQL is consistent with the REST constraints of client/server, statelessness, layered system and code on demand since GraphQL is usually used with HTTP and HTTP already enforces these constraints. But it breaks the uniform interface constraint, and to some extent, the cache constraint.
GraphQL and Caching
The cache constraint states that responses to requests must be labelled as cacheable or not. In practice, this is implemented by using the HTTP GET method, and using Cache-Control, Etags and If-None-Match headers.
In theory, you can use GraphQL and remain consistent with the cache constraint if you use HTTP GET for the query and use the headers correctly. However, in practice, if you have vastly different queries being sent by different clients, you will end up with a cache key explosion (since each queries result will need to be cached separately) and the utility of a caching layer will be lost.
GraphQL clients like Apollo and Relay implement a client-side cache that solves these problems. These clients will decompose the response to a query and cache the individual objects instead. When the next query is fired, only the objects not in the cache need to be refetched. This can actually lead to better cache utilization than HTTP caching as even parts of the response can be reused. So, if you are using GraphQL in a browser, Android or iOS, you do not have to worry about client side caching.
If you need shared caching (CDN's, Varnish, etc) however, you need to make sure you are not running into a cache key explosion.
GraphQL breaks the Uniform resource constraint. We've discussed above why it is okay for API clients to break this constraint in certain scenarios. The uniform resource constraint is expected to bring the following properties:
Simplicity - Since everything is a resource and has the same set of HTTP methods applicable to it
Independent evolution of frontend and backend
Decoupling of frontend and backend
If you are building a GraphQL server you should still aim to model your APIs as resources with unique IDs and have a uniform set of actions to access them. This makes it easier for developers to navigate your APIs. The Relay server spec enforces and is good to follow if you are building a backend GraphQL server.
We've recently added Relay support to Hasura. Since Hasura auto generates GraphQL queries and mutations from your database schema you also automatically get a uniform set of actions for each of your resources.
When should I use GraphQL?
The web of the 1990's and 2000's is different from today's web:
Front end applications we build today are far richer and offer far more functionality.
They are also increasingly built in javascript framework such as React, Vue, Angular instead of rendering templates from the backend. The javascript application then becomes an API client to the backend.
Front end applications are also increasingly accessed over mobile networks which are often both slower and flaky
We need to take these into account while designing current systems. GraphQL helps build performant applications in this context.
As described in the GraphQL section, the key advantage of using GraphQL is that data fetching on the front end becomes easier and this makes iterating on the front end much faster. The tradeoffs are:
The uniform resource constraint is broken. For the vast majority of API clients, this should not be a problem.
You need to make sure every possible query that can be fired will be served efficiently.
HTTP Cache infrastructure will most likely not work.
Can't I just use query parameters to specify the exact data I need without breaking REST?
Yes, you can, for example by supporting the sparse field-sets spec. You are better off using GraphQL in practice though since:
Any sort of query language will need parsing and implementation on the backend. GraphQL has much better tooling to do this.
With GraphQL, the response shape is the same as the request shape, making it easier for clients to access the response.
However if you do need the uniform interface constraint to be followed, this is the approach you should take. Note that using sparse field-sets will also potentially lead to a cache key explosion, breaking shared caching.
We've looked at both GraphQL and REST, and whether it makes sense to compare them. System design goes through the following process:
Understand both functional and non-functional requirements
Derive design constraints to meet the requirements (especially the non-functional ones)
Choose technology that helps us implement those constraints
REST describes these constraints for the Web. As such, most of these constraints are applicable to most systems. For example, organizing your APIs by resources, having IDs for each of your resources, and exposing a mostly common set of actions are all best practices for GraphQL API design as well (and for that matter an RPC based system as well).
If you want to try out GraphQL, head over to the learn course. Hasura is a quick way to get started and play with GraphQL, since your backend is set up automatically.