Create Auth0 App

  1. Navigate to the Auth0 Dashboard
  2. Signup / Login to the account
  3. Create a new tenant.
  4. Click on the Applications menu option on the left and then click the + Create Application button.
  5. In the Create Application window, set a name for your application and select Single Page Web Applications. (Assuming the frontend app will be a SPA built on react/vue etc)

Create Auth0 App

Create Auth0 API

We need to create an API on Auth0 so that we can make the accessToken a valid JWT. Click on the APIs section on the left sidebar and click on the + Create API button.

Create Auth0 API

Now in the pop-up that appears, give the name of the API and the identifier. We can technically give any value.

Let's say the name is hasura and the identifier is

Auth0 API

We can let the signing algorithm to be as it is. (RS256)

Click on Create once you are done.

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