
Hasura works with any authentication provider. We have picked a few providers which are known to work well with Hasura's JWT mode.

Some of these are 3rd party SaaS providers and some are open source self-hosted solutions.

This list is not exhaustive by any means as Hasura will work with any authentication provider of choice. If you know a provider that you want to integrate with Hasura, please create an issue on the learn-graphql GitHub repo and we will get an updated guide added for the same.

SaaS Providers

  • Auth0
  • Firebase
  • Cognito
  • Clerk

Open Source Self Hosted

  • SuperTokens
  • KeyCloak
  • Authorizer
  • Nhost
  • Casdoor

Custom Implementations

  • Node.js Express
  • NextAuth.js

We do have a few more providers that will be added soon.

  • (Coming Soon)
  • Ory (Coming Soon)

There are more and do let us know which provider you are looking to integrate with Hasura. Note that, Hasura works with any Authentication provider.

In the upcoming section, skip to the Authentication provider of choice and follow the step by step guide to integrate with Hasura.

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