
What is Logto?

Logto is an open source identity solution that helps you build the sign-in experience and user authentication service within minutes.

How to integrate Logto?

This guide assumes you already have Hasura instance running on your local environment.

Hasura supports two ways of authentication: Webhooks and JWT. In this guide, we are using a webhook to authenticate all incoming requests to the Hasura server. Check Hasura official docs for more information about Webhooks.

Set auth hook endpoint via environment variables:

# Assuming Logto is running at 'http://localhost:3001',
# and we are also going to create an API resource named 'https://hasura.api' in the next few steps

đź’ˇ In case your Hasura instance operates within a docker container, accessing Logto via "localhost:3001" might not be feasible since it's located in another container. Normally, you can substitute 'localhost' with 'host.docker.internal', however, for detailed guidance, refer the official Docker documentation.

Self-host Logto instance on your own server:

  • Prepare a PostgreSQL instance, and use Logto CLI to seed a database for Logto:
npx @logto/cli db seed
  • Pull the Logto docker image:
# ghcr
docker pull ghcr.io/logto-io/logto
# DockerHub
docker pull svhd/logto
  • Run docker container with the following environment variables
docker run \
--name logto \
-p 3001:3001 \
-p 3002:3002 \
-e ENDPOINT=https://your-logto-domain-url \
-e DB_URL=postgres://username:password@your_postgres_url:port/db_name \

For more details on how to self-host a Logto instance, please check Logto official "Get Started" documentation.

to Logto Admin Console

  • Open browser, and navigates to the Logto domain URL. You will see this welcome page once the above deployment is successful. image
  • Create an admin account, and sign in.

Create Hasura API resource

  • In order to protect your HASURA GraphQL requests, we are going to create an API resource for HASURA in Logto. Once signed-in to Logto admin console, go to “API Resources” page, and click “Create API Resource” button. image

    đź’ˇ The API resource identifier can be any absolute URI format. In this guide, we use https://hasura.api as the identifier.

Create Role for Hasura

  • In order to take advantage of Hasura's permission management, we are going to create roles in Logto, those roles will map to Hasura's roles. image

    đź’ˇ The role name must equal to the role name in Hasura's "Premissions" page.

  • Remember to assign the role to users.

Create Application and Integrate Logto SDK

  • Go to “Applications” in admin console, and click “Create Application” button. image In this guide, let’s assume your application is an SPA built with React framework.
  • Follow the guide step by step, and integrate Logto React SDK into your application. image For now, you are having your user authentication ready and secured by Logto.

    💡 Check “Sign-in Experience” in admin console if you want to customize your sign-in page and workflow.

  • Once you complete the integration above, we need one tiny modification to the code in Step 2: Init LogtoClient. Add the Hasura API identifier in LogtoConfig as resources when initializing LogtoClient.
const config: LogtoConfig = {
endpoint: 'http://localhost:3001',
appId: '<your-application-id>',
resources: ['https://hasura.api'], // Add this line

Issue Access Token and Protect Your Hasura API Requests

  • Finally! We are almost there. In your code, after a user is successfully signed-in, call getAccessToken() in Logto SDK with the above identifier to issue an access token for your Hasura API resource.
const accessToken = await logto.getAccessToken('https://hasura.api');
  • The access token issued will be a standard JWT format token. Set it to your request header before calling the Hasura GraphQL requests.
// Before sending the request
request.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${accessToken}`);
request.headers.set('Expected-Role', 'user');

Congratulations! For now, you are having not only the ability to generate a valid Access Token for GraphQL requests, but also a smooth sign-in experience for your end-users. đź‘Ź


With the effort above, we successfully implemented all the non-skippable things in the intro:

  • A database-schema-driven GraphQL API endpoint
  • An auth and identity service on top of OIDC protocol
  • The complete end-user sign-in flow and auth state management
  • Secured API access based on user identity and roles

Not that hard, right? If you meet any issues, feel free to join the Logto or Hasura discord server to have a live chat with the team.

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