MSSQL Constraints

SQL constraints are the rules to restrict the type of data entered into the database. The constraints ensure data integrity and adhere to the business rules.

MSSQL has the following constraints:

  • NOT NULL: The column value cannot be null.
  • UNIQUE constraint: Enforce unique value on a column(s) that is not a primary key.
  • PRIMARY KEY (PK) constraint: Column key that uniquely identifies each row in the table.
  • FOREIGN KEY (FK) constraint: Column key that references a primary key in another table.
  • CHECK constraint: Enforce a check on the value that can be entered in the table.


A candidate key is one or more set of attributes(columns) that can uniquely identify a row in a table.

For example, the Account number or email_id column is a Single Candidate key. However, you need a combination of first name and the last name to uniquely identify a row. Such a set of columns are called Composite Candidate key.


A primary key (PK) is a candidate key that uniquely identifies a row. The Entity1 Integrity constraints on a primary key are:

  • A PK cannot be null.
  • A PK has to be unique.
1Entity: An entity is a reference to a real world object.


A foreign key is a candidate key that refers to a primary key in another table. The values in a column declared as an FK can have duplicate or null values.

FK has a Referential Integrity enforced, which enforces the rule that every value in the FK column must be present in the PK column.


The value in a column with a check constraint can only be entered when the check T-SQL constraint evaluates to true.

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