


Contentful is an API First CMS to build Digital products. It offers a GraphQL API which can be joined with Hasura using Remote Schema.

You can use the one-click to deploy on Hasura Cloud to get started quickly

Deploy to Hasura Cloud

Adding Contentful as Remote Schema

  • Get the GraphQL Content API Endpoint in the following format:

And replace <space-id> with the appropriate value.

  • In Contentful dashboard, click on Settings. Under Space Settings click on API keys. Copy the Space ID and paste in the above endpoint.
  • Now copy Content Delivery API - access token and use it in Authorization headers like below:
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
  • In Hasura Console, head to Remote Schemas and enter GraphQL Server URL with the above contentful endpoint. Under Additional Headers, enter the Authorization header with the access_token as mentioned above.

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About Contentful
Contentful is an API First CMS to build digital products. It offers a GraphQL API that can be joined with Hasura using Remote Schema.
About Contentful
Contentful is an API First CMS to build digital products. It offers a GraphQL API that can be joined with Hasura using Remote Schema.