

GraphQL Mesh

Creating a Data Graph with GraphQL Mesh and Hasura Remote Joins

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Using GraphQL Mesh

GraphQL Mesh can be used as

  • SDK in Node.js code
  • Gateway to serve GraphQL API

We will look at using Mesh as a Gateway that exposes an endpoint that can be added as a Remote Schema in Hasura.

Initialise a GraphQL Mesh project

We can initialise a new project using yarn.

yarn init -y
yarn add graphql @graphql-mesh/cli @graphql-mesh/openapi

We are setting up the mesh CLI and adding the openapi client.

Create a config file .meshrc.yml to specify the data source and let's add the Currency Open API.

  - name: CurrencyOpenAPI
        source: <path-to-open-api-schema.json>

Download the Open API Spec for this example and replace the source path appropriately. This is a spec for API served at https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4.

Run GraphQL Mesh

Run the GraphQL Mesh instance with the following command:

yarn mesh serve

This will run a GraphQL API at http://localhost:4000.

To add this as a remote schema to the Hasura Cloud project, we will have to deploy this on a public endpoint. I'm going to make use of Codesandbox to try this out.


You can create a new Sandbox/fork the above with Node.js and put in the mesh config file over there.

In your Hasura Cloud project, add the graphql endpoint from codesandbox. In the above example, it would be https://00e5c.sse.codesandbox.io/graphql. Replace this if necessary with your own forked sandbox URL.

Alright, now we have configured GraphQL Mesh to serve a GraphQL API over an existing OpenAPI spec.

Remote Schemas

Try out the GraphQL Query

query {
  getLatestBaseCurrency(baseCurrency: "USD") {

GraphQL Query

This should fetch data from the underlying currency API.

Remote Relationship with Mesh

Assuming that we have a users table with columns id, name and currency. Let's add a remote relationship called currency_rates from inside of users table.

Remote Relationship

Now the GraphQL query to fetch this data in a single API call would look like the following:

query {
  users {
    currency_rates {

Notice that, the nested query currency_rates come from exchange rate API following the OpenAPI spec. It will apply the filter of users.currency = currency_rates.baseCurrency, there by only giving exchange rates related to the current user's currency.

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About GraphQL Mesh
GraphQL Mesh lets you use GraphQL to access data in remote APIs. Learn how to create a Data Graph with GraphQL Mesh & Hasura Remote Joins.
About GraphQL Mesh
GraphQL Mesh lets you use GraphQL to access data in remote APIs. Learn how to create a Data Graph with GraphQL Mesh & Hasura Remote Joins.