


Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows you to start and run an online store.

You can use the one-click to deploy on Hasura Cloud to get started quickly

Deploy to Hasura Cloud

Setup the Shopify GraphQL API

Shopify does not come with a GraphQL API by default. You have to install and configure it manually.

  1. Go to https://<your-store-name>.myshopify.com/admin/apps
  2. Click on Develop apps
  3. Click on Allow custom app development
  4. On the next page, press the same button again
  5. Click on Create an app
  6. Choose a name such as "graphql-api"
  7. Go to API credentials and configure your Admin/Storefront API scopes
  8. After that, go again to API Credentials and click on Install app
  9. A new pop-up appears - click on Install again
  10. You will get the Admin API access token, which you need to copy and save somewhere safe

Now it's time to add your Shopify store to Hasura as a remote schema.

Adding Shopify as Remote Schema

Head over to the Hasura Console, go to the “Remote Schemas” page and click on the “Add” button.

  1. Give your Remote Schema a name
  2. Add the GraphQL endpoint - https://<your-store-name>.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-01/graphql.json
  3. Set the Content-Type header to application/graphql
  4. Set the X-Shopify-Access-Token header
  5. Click on “Add Remote Schema”

Shopify Hasura Remote Schema

After that, you can run queries and mutations on your Shopify shop.

Shopify Hasura Query Example

Submit a new integration

About Shopify
Shopify is an ecommerce platform that allows you to start and run an online shop. Integrate Shopify with your Hasura application with the help of Remote Schema
About Shopify
Shopify is an ecommerce platform that allows you to start and run an online shop. Integrate Shopify with your Hasura application with the help of Remote Schema